Hockey Saskatchewan MEMO: Incoming Board of Directors



By Hockey Saskatchewan

REGINA, Sask. A memorandum has been issued regarding the incoming Hockey Saskatchewan Board of Directors ahead of the 2024-25 season.

  • To:         Hockey Saskatchewan Members
  • From:    Hockey Saskatchewan Board Chairperson Tim Hubic
  • Re:        Incoming Board of Directors

The Hockey Saskatchewan 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Tuesday, August 6th will mark the expiration of three Director terms and with a recent resignation, the Board has a total of four Director positions available.

The open call for Director nominations was issued by the Hockey Saskatchewan Nominating Committee on May 8th and closed on June 14th.  At the close of nominations, the Nominating Committee had received four applications for a Director position on the Board.

In light of the four positions available and not the original three positions – there will not be a need for any voting by the members in an election process.

There are three outgoing Directors plus one current vacancy which creates the four available Director positions at the 2024 AGM.

On behalf of the current Board of Directors & staff, I would like to express a sincere thank you to the Directors that are leaving the Board and am very pleased to introduce the four incoming Directors for the 2024-25 Board of Directors.

Outgoing Directors:

  • Brent Zbaraschuk (Prince Albert)
  • Len Thomas (Saskatoon)
  • Nicole Korpusik (Norquay)

Incoming Directors:

  • Kayla Shaw (Saskatoon)                3-year term
  • Darrell Rinas (Clavet)                     3-year term
  • Jeremy Trask (Regina)                   3-year term
  • Ryan Hoffman (Lebret)                  2-year term

Through the efforts of the Nominating Committee, the four individuals listed above have been identified as excellent candidates to assume a Directors role at the conclusion of the 2024 AGM.

There will be a motion introduced at the AGM for the members to ratify the incoming Directors.

Finally, I would like to thank the Hockey Saskatchewan Nominating Committee which operates at arms-length to the Board and without direct Board involvement. The committee has done an outstanding job in receiving all applications and vetting the potential candidates. Their efforts culminate in putting forth the four individuals noted above as candidates for a Director position on the Hockey Saskatchewan Board.

Below you will find a short video and written response from the four applicants to questions posed by the Nominating Committee to each applicant during the process of them becoming candidates for a Directors role on the Hockey Saskatchewan Board.

For more information, please contact myself at your convenience.

Thank you.

Timothy Hubic
Hockey Saskatchewan
Board Chairperson

Board of Director Candidate Profiles: CLICK HERE

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