Hockey Saskatchewan MEMO: 2023 Annual General Meeting Update



By Hockey Saskatchewan

REGINA, Sask. – A memorandum has been issued regarding the 2023 Annual General Meeting Update which is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, June 20, 2023.

  • TO:        Hockey Saskatchewan Membership
  • FROM:   Kelly McClintock, General Manager
  • RE:        2023 Annual General Meeting Update

As notified during monthly Membership Calls this season, the Hockey Saskatchewan Annual General Meeting shall be held via virtual platform via Zoom Conferencing.  

The schedule for the 2023 Annual General Meeting will be as follows: 

  • Tuesday, June 20                 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

The Agenda for the Meeting will be: 

  • Greetings from the Chair of the Hockey Saskatchewan Board of Directors, Tim Hubic 
  • Approval of the Last Annual Meeting Minutes 
  • Chair of the Board Report 
  • The Presentation of the Audited Financial statements and Report of the Auditor 
  • The Appointment of the Auditor in the ensuing fiscal year. 
  • Introduction, Discussion and Voting on Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws 
  • Other Business – Questions from the Floor. 
  • Adjournment 


All Minor Hockey Associations and League representatives who plan on participating in the 2023 Annual General Meeting must register online with Hockey Saskatchewan by 3:00 pm, Thursday, June 15, 2023. 

To register for the meeting, please click the link below. Each registrant will also be required to fill out a Credential form. The credential form will then be uploaded along with their registration form. A signature of endorsement from the MHA / League President is required on the credential form.  

The registrants that qualify and are eligible to attend the AGM will then receive their login information for the meeting on Monday, June 19, 2023, at 3:00 PM. Those participants with voting rights will also receive the online voting information on June 19. 


As per Bylaw 2.03.04, whereby amendments were made at the 2022 AGM, voting at the AGM is as follows: 

The following shall be entitled to one (1) vote at all Annual Meetings and Special Meetings: 

  1. The Hockey Saskatchewan Board of Directors will determine their block voting prior to any meeting of the membership that includes a non-election vote. The Chair of the Board shall cast the Board votes in one block vote at the meeting of the membership.   
    Block vote will be the total number of eligible votes (I vote per active member of the Board of Directors) either in favor or against the motion being considered. 
  2. Officiating Development Leadership Team Members to a maximum of five (5). 
  3. Each Member (refer to Bylaw 2.02.01) in good standing (refer to Bylaw 2.02.07) is entitled to cast one (1) vote on any matter on which Members are entitled to vote. 
  4. Each Member delegate shall present a credential form of their appointment signed by the President of the Minor Hockey Association or Junior/Senior League represented upon registering for an Annual Meeting or Special Meeting.  The Member delegate assigned to be the voting delegate for the Member must be designated on the credential form. 


As per Bylaw 2.05.03 a) 

"The Board of Directors shall consist of nine (9) Directors of which not more than two-thirds (2/3) are of the same gender. (6 of 9 is max for one gender)" 


Therefore, as there are currently two (2) female Directors with terms remaining, a minimum of one of the three open positions must be filled by one of the two Female Candidates. Following the election, regardless of the overall ranking, the Female Candidate with the most votes will fill one of three open positions. 

Six (6) individuals have been nominated by the membership for the three open positions. To meet the candidates and view their written and video submissions please visit the following link to the Hockey Saskatchewan website. 


Attached is the notice of motion (Page 17 of "2023 AGM Booklet.pdf") for Proposed Bylaw Amendments that will be presented, discussed, and voted upon at the AGM. The Proposed Bylaw Amendments were originally circulated in February 2023 and discussed during the Monthly Virtual Membership Calls of February, March and May. 

Feel free to visit the Hockey Saskatchewan Website through the following link to listen to the Monthly Membership Presentations and view the PowerPoint Presentations. 


The Audit of the 2022/23 Fiscal year of Hockey Saskatchewan has begun and will be distributed to the membership the first week of June upon its completion. 

If you have any questions of any kind, please feel free to contact me.

Kelly McClintock

General Manager

Hockey Saskatchewan


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