Female Festivals


Female Festivals are grassroots hockey camps for U9- and U11-aged girls! This is the first step in our Female Development Progression, aligning with Hockey Canada’s Long-Term Player Development model.

  • U9 (Female players born in 2016 & 2017)
  • U11 (Female players born in 2014 & 2015)

U9 Long-Term Player Development (LTPD)

During this period, players continue to develop motor skills and coordination. Practice sessions should be held twice a week during the season. Ongoing participation in compatible sports is strongly encouraged. The U9 skills program is designed to promote the continued development of physical literacy, fitness, and the basic skills required to play hockey.

U11 Long-Term Player Development (LTPD)

During this stage, which marks the onset of the most critical window for developing fine motor skills on an individual technical basis, players lay the foundation for utilizing these skills in both individual and team tactics in the future. Prior to the commencement of the growth spurt, players are presented with the optimal opportunity to learn and initiate the mastery of fine motor skills that can later be integrated with other abilities. In many instances, the acquisition or absence of these skills during this phase significantly impacts the level of play attained in the future. Players should start to transfer skills and concepts from practice sessions to actual games.

Further Program Information:

  • Two-day camp
  • The cost per player is $135 for each Female Festival

Each participant will receive:

  • Three (3) 45 minute ice sessions per day (Saturday/Sunday)
  • Female Festival jersey
  • Female Festival T-shirt


Female Festivals: 2024-25 Camp Information

Other Links

'Where Fun Wins' Initiative

Female Development Model

Grassroots Programs

Sask First