Female Leagues in Saskatchewan to Grow with U13 AA and U15 AA Expansion

By Hockey Saskatchewan
REGINA, Sask. – Hockey Saskatchewan has announced the expansion of the Female Under-13 (U13) AA and Under-15 (U15) AA leagues for the upcoming season. The expansion aims to promote female hockey development and provide more opportunities for young female players in the province.
The Female U13 AA league, currently comprising ten (10) teams, will expand to thirteen (13) teams in the upcoming season. The expansion includes two new teams from Regina and a second team from Saskatoon. The Hockey Saskatchewan Board of Directors approved a regulation change that mandates Regina and Saskatoon to have two teams at this level that will participate in the Provincial League.
The Female U15 AA league, which currently has eight (8) teams, will expand to twelve (12) teams. The expansion includes a second team in both Saskatoon and Regina, Western Prairie (Rosetown), and Parkland (Melville). Again, the Hockey Saskatchewan Board of Directors approved a regulation change that mandates Regina and Saskatoon to have two teams at this level that will participate in the Provincial League.
In addition, the Sponsoring center of the U15 AA in Prairie Storm (Balgonie) was moved to Lumsden so that Lumsden will sponsor both a U13 AA and U15 AA team.
The new expansion will add four teams to the existing league, creating more opportunities for young female players to develop their skills and compete at a higher level.
Applications for a U13 and U15 team both at the AA level were received from Moose Jaw however they were not approved for this year in order for Lumsden, which had a U13 AA team this past season to build both of their programs. All Female AAA and AA Programming/Structure is reviewed every second year by Hockey Saskatchewan.
"We are thrilled to see the expansion of the Female U13 AA and U15 AA leagues in Saskatchewan," said Kelly McClintock, General Manager of Hockey Saskatchewan. "This expansion will provide more opportunities for young female players to develop their skills and compete at a higher level. We look forward to seeing the growth of female hockey in Saskatchewan and the continued success of our female leagues."
The expansion of both the Female U13 AA and Female U15 AA leagues aligns with objectives outlined in Hockey Saskatchewan’s 2022-25 Strategic Plan. To view the plan’s Roadmap, click HERE.
For questions about the league, please contact Hockey Saskatchewan General Manager Kelly McClintock (KellyM@HockeySask.ca).
Shaping Character for Life… More Than a Game.
Hockey Saskatchewan was established in 1912 and is the governing body for organized hockey in the Province of Saskatchewan. With a mission to Lead, Develop and Promote Positive Hockey Experiences, Hockey Saskatchewan encourages competition at all levels – from recreational to high performance. Hockey Saskatchewan has grown through the years and is Saskatchewan’s largest sports organization with over 43,000 members comprised of players, coaches, and officials. For more information, please visit www.hockeysask.ca or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.