Under-9 (U9) Half-Ice Celebrations

What is a Half-Ice Celebration?
Hockey Saskatchewan believes that the first years of hockey should be a positive experience, offering a fun and exciting start that encourages young players to enjoy hockey for life!
The Half-Ice Celebration is a Hockey Saskatchewan program designed for Under-9 (U9) players, similar to the Under-7 Cross-Ice Jamborees.
These Celebrations are fun-based events where players develop and learn basic skills, build confidence through skill sessions, participate in small area games, and have the opportunity to play half-ice games. The Celebrations also provide a great way for coaches to learn about the game and practice formats.
Quick Shots:
- WHO CAN HOST?: Any Minor Hockey Association!
- WHEN CAN HOSTS APPLY?: Any time of year!
- WHERE?: Any rink that has ice available in the regular season can be a venue.
- COST?: Free! However, the host is responsible for the cost of the ice.
U9 Half-Ice Celebrations
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