The clinic schedules, online modules, and online payment will be available on the website in August each hockey season.
Yes, officials will register online for the clinic they plan to attend. This is the third step in the registration process. If you need to attend a different clinic than the one you registered for, you must contact Hockey Saskatchewan Manager, Officiating Development to make this change.
All clinic and membership fees must be paid online by with registration each season for new and returning officials. No money for membership or clinic fees will be accepted at the clinics.
Hockey Canada and Hockey Saskatchewan recommended that officials be 12 years old as of December 31. However, the decision is up to the parent, official and local association. Please ensure to check with the local association that there will be games for younger officials to work as well as the required mentorship. Some local minor hockey associations have a minimum age requirement, but Hockey Saskatchewan can certify officials as young as 10 years old as of December 31 depending on the official’s location.
Yes, all officials across the province have to complete the on-line learning. Junior officials (17 and Under as of December 31) will complete the Hockey University online modules, while the Senior officials will complete Hockey Saskatchewan's online modules. The on-line learning has helped Saskatchewan to go to half-day clinics, which allows us to offer on-ice clinics immediately following many of the classroom clinics. The online modules must be completed prior to attending a clinic. Please provide the certificate at the clinic as proof of completion.
Contact Trent at the Hockey Saskatchewan office 306-789-5101 or
Click on "Forgot Your Password?", enter your email address, and your password will be emailed to that email address.
To view a list of clinics across the province and see which communities are offering an on-ice clinic go to the clinic registration page on this website. This list will be posted in August.
Clinics will be booked by the Officiating Development Program annually and the process for that starts in February. Communities which did not host a clinic in the current season and would like to request to host a clinic in the upcoming season must notify the Manager, Officiating by email of their desire to host a clinic no later than February 1. Clinics are booked in February & March for the following season. Once the selected locations are confirmed their will be an open request for applications for other communities and a handful of additional clinics may be selected.
Each season, all Clinic Instructors attend our Instructor's Seminar, which is held the weekend after the September long weekend. If you are interested in becoming a clinic instructor, contact your Zone Coordinator to express your interest. As for being a grassroots official’s coach you can contact either the Hockey Saskatchewan Manager, Officiating Development or your Zone Coordinator and they can explain the process and expectations.
Although you are registered with another province, you will need to affiliate with Hockey Saskatchewan. To do this, complete the affliation/transfer form online, which can be found on the Officials Registration Page. Once the affiliation has been processed, the official is eligible to officiate all levels of hockey in Saskatchewan.
Click HERE to view FAQ's regarding affiliation, including screening requirements and application processes
Yes, all senior (18+) officials must complete a criminal record check. Official who complete the online modules and attended a clinic are not certified to work games until their Criminal Record Check has been approved by the Hockey Saskatchewan lawyer’s office. This process can take weeks or months so please plan accordingly. Criminal Record Checks submitted to Hockey Saskatchewan are good for 3 years from the date it was issued.