SHA Releases 3rd Edition of Saskatchewan Development Model Parent’s Manual

By Hockey Saskatchewan
REGINA, Sask. – The Saskatchewan Hockey Association (SHA) is proud to announce the release of the third edition of the Saskatchewan Development Model Parent’s Manual.
The Manual is a collaboration of the SHA, Saskatchewan Midget AAA Hockey League (SMAAAHL), Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League (SJHL), and the Western Hockey League (WHL). It is designed to provide reliable information to parents of young Saskatchewan players that will answer questions that they may have as their children progress through the hockey development system.
There are two new features within the Manual;
- First is an area on the Saskatchewan Officiating Development Model that outlines the opportunities young officials have to progress through the development ladder that exists within the partnership of the three leagues and the SHA. It also outlines opportunities players may have in terms of continuing or establishing a career on the officiating side.
- Secondly, a Scout registry has been added that provides a list of the scouts that represent the teams from the three leagues within the partnership. This registry allows parents of young players the opportunity to clearly identify who represents teams and that they are aware of the SDM and its goals and objectives.
A Saskatchewan Development Model Parent Manual will be mailed to every 14 to 17 year old male in the province in conjunction with the SHA Sask First mail out.
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