
Tournament Regulations


a)    All tournaments must be sanctioned by Hockey Saskatchewan through the General Manager.  No tournament will be sanctioned unless the tournament center or league is a registered member of Hockey Saskatchewan.

b)    Every sanctioned tournament shall pay a fee of $25.00.

c)    No sanctioned tournament shall accept entries from any team which is not a registered member of a Hockey Canada Branch.

d)    A team whose entry has been accepted into a sanctioned tournament must only use those players who are not under suspension by their league, association or Hockey Saskatchewan and have been registered with Hockey Saskatchewan on their League Roster or a Hockey Saskatchewan Provincial Team Registration Form for the current season.  Junior, College or Minor players are not eligible unless they are properly released.

e)    All games in a sanctioned tournament must be officiated by registered officials of Hockey Saskatchewan.
f)    Hockey Saskatchewan Provincial Playoff games shall have preference over tournament play.

g)    Should any team withdraw from a sanctioned tournament after it has started, the team shall be reported to Hockey Saskatchewan for disciplinary action.

h)    The Tournament Committee shall have the right to impose any suspensions covering the balance of the tournament.  All penalties involving suspensions must be reported by the Tournament Committee to the Hockey Saskatchewan Coordinator of Discipline.
i)    Copies of all tournament game sheets are to be sent to the Hockey Saskatchewan General Manager along with the incidents that have not been dealt with by the Tournament Committee.  Failure to comply with this regulation within 72 hours could result in cancellation of future tournament sanctions.  Tournament Committees not submitting all game sheets shall be assessed a penalty of $100.00.

NOTE: Teams that are not registered or certified may do so by registering with the Hockey Saskatchewan General Manager.