

4.03.03    Tampering as per Hockey Canada Regulation P

a)    No Player may be invited to attend or participate in an evaluation camp operated by a Team or League to which the Player is ineligible to register or Affiliate for the upcoming Season as of the date of the camp.

b)    Team Officials shall not encourage or invite, directly or indirectly, a Registered Participant of another Team from the previous Season in the same or higher Category or from the current Season in any Division or Category, to register, participate in training camp activities or in any games without first having secured permission in writing, in the manner set forth from the Team or MHA with which such Player is registered.

i)    The written permission shall be a statement filed with the Branch in which the Player's Team is registered, which statement shall be signed by the President, Secretary or by the designated signing officer of the Team with which the Player is registered.

c)    A charge of tampering must be filed in accordance with the Hockey Canada appeal procedure established by By-Law 52.  If all Teams involved are from the same Branch, the charge will be dealt with by that Branch in accordance with its regulations.

d)    Where tampering is found to have occurred, the responsible Team and/or Team Official shall receive one or more of the following sanctions:

i)    A fine up to five thousand dollars ($5,000) to the offending Team, payable to the Team which files the tampering charge within thirty (30) days of notification;

ii)    The deduction of two (2) unused Player allotments for that or the following Season;

iii)    Compensation to the Team that may lose a Player to the offending Team;

iv)    A minimum of ten (10) game suspension (regular Season or play-offs) to the head Coach of the offending team;

v)    A suspension for a period up to one (1) year to the responsible Team Officials of the offending Team.