
Table of Losses

As of September 1st, 2020

Table of Loses

Class I

Under Age 25

Class II

Over Age 25

Class III


Loss of Life




Loss of Entire Sight of Both Eyes




Loss of One Hand and the Entire Sight of One Eye




Loss of One Foot and the Entire Sight of One Eye




Loss of the Entire Sight of One Eye




Loss of Speech




Loss of One Hand or Loss of One Foot




Loss of Hearing in Both Ears




Loss of Hearing in One Ear




Loss of Speech and Hearing in Both Ears




Loss of Speech and Hearing in One Ear




Loss of All Toes on One Foot




Loss of or Loss of Use of

Loss of Use of Both Arms or Both Hands




Loss of Use of Both Feet or Both Legs




Loss of Use of One Hand and One Foot




Loss of Use of One Hand




Loss of Use of One Arm




Loss of Use of One Leg




Loss of Use of One Foot




Loss of Use of Both Hands and Both Feet





Under Age 70

Under Age 70

Under Age 80

Quadriplegia (total paralysis of both upper and lower limbs)




Paraplegia (total paralysis of both lower limbs)




Hemiplegia (total paralysis of upper and lower limbs of one side of the body)




Serious Brain Injury resulting in Permanent Total Disability




Other coverages directly related to the AD and D policy and when applicable include:

Other coverages directly related to the AD&D policy and when applicable include:

  • Emergency travel benefit – $250
  • Funeral expense – $10,000
  • Eyeglasses and contact lens expense – $250
  • Rehabilitation benefit – $50,000
  • Home alteration and vehicle modification benefit – $75,000
  • Repatriation benefit – $25,000
  • Tutorial fee benefit – $5,000
  • Physiotherapy/massage therapy/acupuncture treatments benefit – $15,000

Critical incidence stress counselling:

  • Off-ice maximum per incident per insured – $2,000
  • For all insureds – $10,000
  • On-ice maximum per incident – $25,000

Coma Benefit: Refer to Master Policy

AD&D coverages outlined in this section do not apply to ASHN/ASHL. For ore information, please visit