

The Hockey Saskatchewan Coordinator of Discipline has the ability to issue discipline for any action on and off the ice by any Hockey Saskatchewan registered participant that is not covered by Hockey Canada/Hockey Saskatchewan playing rules. 

Disciplinary offenses on Game sheets for any sanctioned Hockey Saskatchewan game may only be altered with the approval of the Hockey Saskatchewan Coordinator of Discipline.

The Hockey Saskatchewan Coordinator of Discipline shall only address offenses occurring in Exhibition games, Tournaments, and Hockey Saskatchewan playoff games.  League Executives address offenses occurring in Preseason, League, and League playoff games, with the exception of 11.4 and 11.5 offenses.

NOTE:  “Preseason” games are defined as those that involve two teams from the same league who play a game prior to Scheduled League play beginning.  Preseason games must be scheduled through the League Executive.

“Exhibition” games are defined as those that involve two teams from different leagues prior to, or following the start, of League play.


a)    The Minimum Suspension guidelines in Regulation 6.09.04 is the Minimum guideline for the application of a suspension of team members.

b)    Leagues may extend the basic suspension(s), however they shall not reduce the Hockey Saskatchewan Minimum guideline.

c)    These Minimum Suspension guidelines are to be applied to all hockey played in the Minor and Female Divisions of Hockey Saskatchewan.

NOTE:  The Suspension for reported 11.1 Unsportsmanlike Conduct, 11.2 Disrespectful and Abusive Behaviour, 11.4 Discrimination/Maltreatment and 11.5 Physical Harassment of Officials will double for players and team officials who are penalized and reported under these rules when a green armband official is targeted or a part of any game at the U7, U9 and U11 age divisions.

d)    The game in which any of the penalties assessed fall under Hockey Saskatchewan Minimum Suspension guidelines, shall not be counted in the length of the suspension.

e)    It is the responsibility of each team manager and/or coach to ensure the team member(s) sit out their appropriate suspensions.  If in doubt as to the relevant suspension, contact the Hockey Saskatchewan Coordinator of Discipline.  The Hockey Saskatchewan Coordinator of Discipline may impose a time limit on a suspension, as opposed to a number of games, under special circumstances.

f)    Any suspension involving a “length of time” will be applied with the Actual Playing Season which is October 1st to March 31st.

6.09.02    Application Guidelines of Suspensions

a)    Suspensions by Hockey Saskatchewan of any registered referee, player, coach or team official may include a suspension that will not allow such suspended person to participate in the game of hockey in any capacity.  The following guidelines apply:

i)    The suspensions from all aspects of hockey games would apply to all suspensions issued for breach of the Hockey Saskatchewan Bylaws or Regulations, as well as all suspensions issued under Hockey Canada/Hockey Saskatchewan Playing Rule 2.2; 2.2 c); 11.2; 11.3; 11.4; 11.5 i), ii), iii), and iv).

ii)    Unless specified otherwise, suspensions resulting from violation of Hockey Canada/Hockey Saskatchewan playing rules, would only suspend the referee, player, or team official from participating in the game of hockey in the capacity at which he/she received their suspension.

b)    While a player or team official is serving their suspension, they may not participate with the Team in any capacity during games.

c)    A suspended player cannot be present on the player’s bench however they are allowed in the team’s dressing room.

d)    A suspended team official cannot be present in his/her team’s dressing room prior to, during, or following the game(s) they are suspended from or be on the player’s bench.  Team officials who violate this will be dealt with by the Hockey Saskatchewan Coordinator of Discipline.

e)            i)    A player/team official is suspended until the suspension is served with the team where the infraction occurred (certified, carded or affiliate team).

                ii)    If the team where the infraction occurred has played its last game, then the suspension may be completed with the other team.

                iii)   The player suspension must be listed on game sheets.

                iv)    The player/team official shall not be included as one of the maximum number of players.

f)    Suspensions cannot be served in Preseason, Exhibition, Cancelled or Forfeited Games and suspended players cannot play in Preseason or Exhibition games.

NOTE:  Suspended players can participate in Preseason games at the U18 AAA; U13/U15/U16/U18 AA categories prior to the Team’s roster being finalized and submitted to Hockey Saskatchewan within the timelines outlined in Regulation 6.04.11 d) and 6.04.12 b).

g)    Suspensions may only be served in regular scheduled league games, Hockey Saskatchewan playoff games or league playoff games and sanctioned tournaments where entry or scheduling is made prior to the suspension.

h)    Suspensions for violations of the Hockey Canada/Hockey Saskatchewan rules and regulations must be served in the next game or games the player/team official participates in.

i)    Suspension for violation of league rules (i.e.: accumulation of penalty minutes; misconducts; game misconducts; fighting majors; CFB’s; HC’s; etc.) may be implemented at the League’s discretion.

j)    Any suspension imposed upon any player, coach, or team official by the officials of any League or Association registered with Hockey Saskatchewan shall be given full recognition by Hockey Saskatchewan.

6.09.03    Record Keeping of Suspensions

All registered Leagues under Hockey Saskatchewan must submit a copy of all correspondence involving suspensions by that League within the Hockey Saskatchewan online Suspension tracking website.  All leagues must abide by the Minimum Suspension guidelines as set out in 6.09.04.


6.09.04 a)  Maltreatment

Rule #




Last 10 Minutes

11.1 e)

Game Misconduct

Unsportsmanlike Conduct

1 game

2 games

11.2 e)

Game Misconduct

Abusive Behaviour

2 games

3 games

11.2 f)

Gross Misconduct

Abusive Behaviour

3 games

4 games

11.3 c)



5 games

6 games




Gross Misconduct



Indefinite Suspension (Minimum 5 games)



6 games

11.5 c)


Physical Harassment of Officials

Indefinite Suspension


11.5 e)

Game Misconduct

Physical Harassment of Officials

1 game

2 games

Accumulation Sanctions:  Player or Team Official

(In addition to the assessed penalties)

Rule #



Last 10 Minutes


11.1 e)

Receives 2 Game Misconducts under Rule 11.1 in a season

2 games

3 games

Receives 3 or more Game Misconducts under Rule 11.1 in a season

Indefinite Suspension



11.2 e)

Receives 2 Game Misconducts under Rule 11.2 in a season

4 games

5 games

Receives 3 or more Game Misconducts under Rule 11.2 in a season

Indefinite Suspension


11.2 f)

Receives 2 Gross Misconducts under Rule 11.2 in a season

Indefinite Suspension



Head Coach whose team receives 2 Game and/or Gross Misconducts under Rule 11.1/11.2 in a season

1 game



2nd violation of a head coach whose team receives 2 Game and/or Gross Misconducts under Rule 11.1/11.2 in a season

2 games



For subsequent violations of a head coach whose team receives 2 Game and/or Gross Misconducts under Rule 11.1/11.2 in a season

Indefinite Suspension



Receives 2 or more Gross Misconducts under Rule 11.4 in a season

Indefinite Suspension


11.5 e)

Receives 2 or more Game Misconducts under Rule 11.5 e) in a season

Indefinite Suspension



6.09.04 b)  Major & Match Penalties

Rule #




Last 10 Minutes



All Major Penalties

1 game

2 games

7.5 c)


Checking from Behind

4 games

5 games

7.6 c)


Head Contact

4 games

5 games



All Match Penalties other than 7.5 c) and 7.6 c)

3 games

4 games

Accumulation Sanctions:  Player

(In addition to the assessed penalties)

Receives 2 Majors in the same season

2 games

3 games

Receives 1 Major and 1 Match penalty in the same season

3 games

4 games

Receives 2 Match penalties in the same season

5 games

6 games

Receives 2 Majors and 1 Match penalty in the same season

4 games

5 games

Receives 3 Majors in the same season

4 games

5 games

Receives 3 Majors and 1 Match penalty in the same season

5 games

6 games

Receives 4 Majors in the same season

Indefinite Suspension


Receives 3 Match penalties in the same season

Indefinite Suspension


Accumulation Sanctions:  Coach

Any team receiving a combination equalling 3 penalties in the same game from a Major penalty, Match penalty or fighting infraction

1 game


For a 2nd violation of a team receiving a combination equalling 3 penalties in the same game from a Major penalty, Match penalty or fighting infraction

3 games


For a 3rd violation of a team receiving a combination equalling 3 penalties in the same game from a Major penalty, Match penalty or fighting infraction

Indefinite Suspension



i)    Player receives a 5-minute Major for Checking from Behind.He has already received 1 Match and 1 Major previously in the season.Player receives:

5-minute Major -                            One (1) game

2 Majors and 1 Match -                  Four (4) games

Total Suspension -                          Five (5) games


ii)    Player receives a 5-minute Major for Head Contact with 6:35 remaining in the 3rd period.She has already received 2 Majors previously in the season.Player receives:

5-minute Major -                            One (1) game

GM in the last 10 minutes -            One (1) game

3 Majors -                                        Four (4) games

Total Suspension -                          Six (6) games


6.09.04 c)  Fighting Penalties

Rule #




Last 10 Minutes



7.10 b)




Fighting – First Offense

1 game

2 games

Fighting – Second Offense

2 games

3 games

Fighting – Third Offense

4 games

5 games

Fighting – Fourth Offense

Indefinite Suspension


Pre/Post Game Altercations


7.10 b)


Major + GM

Any player involved where Majors and Game Misconducts are assessed

2 games

3 games

Coach of team whose players are so penalized

Indefinite Suspension


7.10 c)


Fighting – wearing rings or tape to inflict punishment

3 games

4 games


7.10 e)


Game Misconduct

Player who joins in a fight or acts as a peacemaker

2 games

3 games

Player who takes part in another or secondary fight during the same stoppage of play

2 games

3 games

7.10 f)

Gross Misconduct

Fighting or joining a fight with or as a team official

3 games

4 games

Instigator or Aggressor of a Fight


7.11 a)



First Offense

1 game


Second Offense

3 games


Third Offense

Indefinite Suspension


Rule 7.11 a) NOTE:  If a player is assessed both penalties in the same altercation, they would be suspended for both offenses.





10.4 e)





Game Misconduct

Player identified as first to leave the players’ or penalty bench during a fight or for the purpose of fighting

3 games

4 games

Coach of team whose player is identified as first to leave the players’ or penalty bench during a fight or for the purpose of fighting

3 games

4 games

Coach whose player is not identified as the first to leave the players’ or penalty bench during an on-ice altercation

1 game

2 games


6.09.04 d)  Other

Rule #




Last 10 Minutes





4.8 c)





Game Misconduct

Any player or team official who is assessed a Game Misconduct penalty in the last 10 minutes of regular playing time, at any time in overtime, or after the conclusion of the game will automatically be suspended for a minimum of the next regular league, play-off or sanctioned tournament game.

NOTE:  The 1 game suspension under Rule 4.8 c) is in addition to any suspensions applied under the minimum guidelines.





1 game










4.9 b)





Gross Misconduct

Any player or team official who is assessed a Gross Misconduct penalty in the last 10 minutes of regular playing time, at any time in overtime, or after the conclusion of the game will automatically be suspended for a minimum of the next regular league, play-off or sanctioned tournament game.

NOTE:  The 1 game suspension under Rule 4.9 b) is in addition to any suspensions applied under the minimum guidelines.





1 game
















Any player or team official who is assessed a Match penalty in the last 10 minutes of regular playing time, at any time in overtime, or after the conclusion of the game will automatically be suspended for a minimum of the next regular league, play-off or sanctioned tournament game.

NOTE:  The 1 game suspension under Rule 4.10 is in addition to any suspensions applied under the minimum guidelines.





1 game







Gross Misconduct

Any Gross Misconduct assessed to a player or team official not otherwise covered within these guidelines

3 games

4 games



10.4 f)



Gross Misconduct

Any player or team official who, having been removed from the game due to a Game Ejection, Game Misconduct, Gross Misconduct, or Match penalty, returns to the ice surface or becomes involved with or disrupts the game in any way.



Indefinite Suspension








Coach whose team refuses to start play

Indefinite Suspension


Coach whose team is removed from the game prior to the game conclusion

Indefinite Suspension





Multiple Game Misconducts


Player or Team Official who receives multiple game misconducts at any time during a game

One game for each Misconduct over one (1)












Ineligible Players

Team Official who is party to or had knowledge of playing a player not properly registered with that team, properly affiliate to that team or under suspension

Indefinite Suspension


Player who participates in a game as an improperly registered or suspended player or team official

Indefinite Suspension


Team Official(s)/player(s) who do not fulfil their commitment to the note contained within Regulation 6.04.16 c)

1 month



Unsanctioned Event Participation

Association that allows unsanctioned teams to participate in their Hockey Saskatchewan sanctioned event

Penalties to be imposed by the Coordinator of Discipline
