


The Hockey Saskatchewan Board of Directors administers an annual Scholarship Program to promote the academic and hockey achievements of its members.


a) Saskatchewan Development Model

Scholarship Program

The Saskatchewan Development Model Partners (Hockey Saskatchewan; Saskatchewan U18 AAA Hockey League; Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League; and the Western Hockey League) shall award twenty-four (24) $1,000.00 Scholarships annually to members of Hockey Saskatchewan registered at the U18 AAA and/or Junior A Level (one (1) per each SMAAAHL and SJHL team).

This Scholarship program does not alter a player’s ability to acquire scholarships that are made available from other member Leagues or Teams.

Players may attend any credited post-secondary institution in Canada. In the case of players who have played and earned education benefits from the Western Hockey League, the SDM benefits shall be in addition to the WHL benefits and shall revert to WHL criteria, i.e. the player may attend any institution or organization in any jurisdiction allowed by the WHL.

Each applicant must meet the following criteria;

i. Must be a registrant in good standing with Hockey Saskatchewan.

ii. U18 AAA Players;

  • Must be a graduating Grade 12 student during the year of application.
  • The parents of the U18 AAA registered player must be residents of the province of Saskatchewan.
  • If they progress to play Major Junior Hockey the criteria will mirror the WHL criteria.
  • If they progress to play Junior A Hockey, they must be registered with a SJHL team for the entire season immediately following their last year of U18 hockey and must attend a Canadian based post-secondary institution/program within four (4) years of receiving the Scholarship.

iii. Junior A Players

  • Must have been registered for at least one (1) entire season with a SJHL team.
  • Must attend a Canadian based post-secondary institution/program within four (4) years of receiving the Scholarship if they are a graduating Grade 12 student during that year.
  • Must attend a Canadian based post-secondary institution/program within one (1) year of receiving the Scholarship if they are a twenty (20) year old SJHL player as of December 31st of the hockey season.
  • If a player proceeds to WHL hockey, his education benefit will be based on WHL criteria.

iv. Educational Scholarship recipients may only be eligible to receive a Scholarship once.

Each Educational Scholarship Applicant will be required to fill out and return an application form on or before May 30th of the Hockey Season for Junior A Players and July 30th for U18 AAA Players

The Educational Scholarship will be paid upon proof of enrollment and completion of the current year of schooling. The proof of enrollment will be in the form of receipts from the Educational Institution the recipient is attending. The proof of completion will be in the form of a submission of the final marks obtained during the current school year.


The student’s average must be calculated in accordance with the “Transcript of Secondary Level Achievement” issued by Saskatchewan Education and using the following criteria to determine which courses are eligible for consideration.

Each applicant’s standings shall be determined by average the following final marks:


1.             English A 30 (Francois A 30)                                                   _________________

2.             English B 30 (Francois B 30)                                                    _________________

3.             One of:    Social Studies 30                                                     _________________

                Example:                 History 30

                                                Economics 30

                                                Native Studies 30

4.             One natural science 30 level:                                                 _________________

                Example:                  Biology 30

                                                 Chemistry 30

                                                 Physics 30

5.             One mathematics 30 level:                                                     _________________

                Example: Math 30 A

                                                 Math 30 B

                                                 Math 30 C

6.             One elective 30 level subject that is                                      _________________

                the next highest mark including subjects

                that were not used from categories

                #3, #4, or #5.

7.             One elective 30 level any subject that                                   _________________

                                is next highest mark including subjects

                                that were not used from categories #3,

                                #4, or #5.



To:       Hockey Saskatchewan

           #2 - 575 Park Street

           Regina, SK   S4N 5B2

          Attention:  General Manager


Name of Applicant _______________________   S.I.N._____________________

Date of Birth ____________________________   Telephone _________________

Present Address __________________________ City/Town_______________ Postal Code ____________

Parents Address __________________________ City/Town _________________Postal Code ________________

Team Registered with in the current hockey season ________________________________________________

Enclosed are the following:

              1. A copy of my most recent academic marks, one of which should be:

a)  Statement from the Department of Education or "Transcript of Secondary Level Achievement"

b)  If using post-secondary marks, also enclose a copy of Grade 12 marks.

2. A brief summary of activities in the community and/or school that I have participated in and the role I played in each.  Please be sure to include all activities.

             3. Two (2) letters of reference.

NOTE:  Refer to the attached Saskatchewan Development Model Education Scholarship Program Memo for a listing of the criteria.

*Application Deadline Dates*

Junior A                                   May 30th

U18 AAA                                  July 30th

I have read the criteria governing the SDM Education Scholarship Program and I believe that I qualify.


___________________________________                                 _____________________________

Signature of Applicant                                                                     Date


b) Hockey Education Assistance

Hockey Saskatchewan shall award a minimum of fourteen (14), $1,000.00 Hockey Education Assistance Grants each hockey season to a maximum of fourteen (14) registered members (male or female) of Hockey Saskatchewan as follows:

  • 8 - Regional (zone) members (player, coach or official)
  • 1 - U18 AAA registered player
  • 1 - Female registered player
  • 1 - Junior A, Junior B, Junior C or Senior registered player
  • 1 - Saskatchewan Officiating Development Model
  • 2 - Registered Officials

The recipients of the grants will be determined by Hockey Saskatchewan and will be announced by September 30th of the hockey season.

Each applicant must meet the following criteria:

i. Must have been registered for three (3) years.

ii. Must be a registrant in good standing in with Hockey Saskatchewan

iii. Must be a graduating Grade 12 student during that year except for:

  • Junior A, B, & C players.
  • Senior players 20 years of age or under as of December 31st of the current year.
  • SODM Officials 20 years of age or under as of December 31st of the current year.

iv. Must be going to attend a Saskatchewan-based University, affiliate College or Sask PolyTech.

v. Must attend an institution within four (4) years to take advantage of the grant.

vi. Junior A scholarship recipients must attend a Saskatchewan post–secondary institution within one (1) year of completion of their Junior A eligibility in order to receive their scholarship.

vii. New grant recipients must attend a Saskatchewan post–secondary institute within:

  • Four (4) years if application requirement is a graduating Grade 12 student during that year.
  • One (1) year, if application requirement is as a player 20 years of age or under as December 31st of the current year.

Recipients may only be eligible to receive the grant once.

Each applicant will be required to fill out and return an application form (obtained from the Hockey Sask office) on or before August 31st of the hockey season.

Each application form indicates two (2) methods whereby a person may apply. They can apply in the zone where the player’s home address is and/or the division of hockey they play in. An example is a player whose home address is in Zone 1 and plays on a U18 AAA team; the player may apply in Zone 1 and also as a U18 AAA player; or the female player may apply in Zone 1 and also as a Female Player.

The grant will be paid upon proof of enrolment. The proof of enrolment will be in the form of receipts from the educational institution the recipient is attending. The payment, which is to be applied to tuition and the purchase of textbooks, will be made directly to the applicant.