
12 - Scholarship

3.12.01     Hockey Saskatchewan shall award scholarships each hockey season to registered members as laid out in the Hockey Saskatchewan Hockey Education Assistance Program.

3.12.02    Scholarship Fund

a)    The Hockey Saskatchewan Scholarship Fund was initially created by the Hockey Saskatchewan Board of Directors from a surplus received from the 1990/91 World Juniors held in Saskatchewan; money transferred from General Operations over the years; money transferred from the Referee Division General Operations; and interest earned on monies in the Fund.

b)    The Fund shall be managed by the Hockey Saskatchewan Board of Directors.  Monies within the fund shall be invested in the National Sport Trust Fund through Sask Sport Inc.  A report on the fund will be provided annually to the membership within the Hockey Saskatchewan Audited Financial Statement.

c)    There shall be no withdrawal of monies from the Scholarship Fund for the purpose of this Association without the approval of the membership of this Association given by at least two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast at an Annual General Meeting after notice of the purpose and the amount of the proposed withdrawal has been given to the membership by May 15th as set out in Bylaw 2.04.01.

d)    There shall be no withdrawal of monies from the current fund for any purpose other than paying scholarships without the approval of the membership as outlined in 3.12.02 c).