
Residential Qualifications


a)    There shall be six (6) categories for Male:

i)      Category AAA (U18 only)
ii)      Category AA (U18, U16, U15 and U13 only)
iii)     Category A
iv)    Category B
v)     Category C
vi)    Category D

Teams will be registered in one of the six categories according to geographic sub–division and population. A center may enter a higher category than its classification.  It must abide by the registration regulations of the category it is, not the category it is entering.

For team categorization, the latest population figures as listed in the most recent Municipal Directory will be secured by the Hockey Saskatchewan General Manager from the Government of Saskatchewan.

b)    The Province of Saskatchewan shall be divided into the following geographic sub–divisions for registration purposes and categorization of teams:

1.  The Province shall be one geographic subdivision for U18 AAA hockey.

2.  The City of Regina

3.  The Greater Saskatoon Area


R.M. of Corman Park Boundary
Rge. 6 Boundary


Twp. 37 Boundary/Penner Rd.


R.M. of Corman Park Boundary
(North of Highway #5)
Freeborn Road (South of #5 to Floral Road)
Highway #11(South of Floral to Corman Park Boundary)


Corman Park Boundary and the Whitecap
Dakota First Nation

4.  The City of Prince Albert

5.  The City of Moose Jaw, including the Canadian Forces Base at Bushel Park

6.  Athol Murray College of Notre Dame at Wilcox

7.  The balance of the province

The geographic sub–divisions 2 to 6 inclusive shall be AA centers.

c)      i)  Geographic Sub–division 2 must divide via a zone concept or city wide draft into;

  • A minimum of five (5) teams in U13 AA
  • A minimum of three (3) teams in U15 AA
  • A minimum of three (3) teams in U18 AA and compete within the Saskatchewan AA League.

ii)  Geographic Sub–division 3 must divide via a zone concept or city wide draft into;

  • A minimum of six (6) teams in U13 AA
  • A minimum of four (4) teams in U15 AA
  • A minimum of three (3) teams in U18 AA and compete within the Saskatchewan AA League.

Any players who reside with their parents in geographic sub–divisions 2 – 5 and who desire to play outside the sub–division boundaries, must apply for and have been granted a concession, as per Regulation 3.02.01 prior to the start of league/tournament play.

    iii)  Geographic sub–divisions 4 and 5 must have a minimum of one team in U13 AA, U15 AA and U18 AA and compete within the Saskatchewan AA League

These sub–divisions must submit a proposed boundary by September 1st of each season for approval by the Hockey Saskatchewan Registration Committee.

d)    Teams shall be made up of bonafide residents of such geographic sub–divisions.  Where two (2) or more teams are formed in these geographic sub–divisions, players not able to gain a berth on the Tier 1 team (top tiered team) will be classified as Tier II, Tier III, Tier IV, etc. for the purpose of affiliation.  Tier 1 teams must have a minimum of twelve (12) players certified on that team.
e)    For cities over 30,000, all goaltenders within any age classification or within any Tier of any age classification may be pooled and permitted to play in any geographic subdivision within the city.  For U13 and below any such player who is playing in a geographic sub–division for which he or she is not a bonafide resident may play only as a goaltender.


a)    There shall be four (4) categories for Female:

i)    Category AAA (U18 only)
ii)    Category AA (U18 and U15 only)
iii)    Category A
iv)    Category B

b)    The Province of Saskatchewan shall be divided into the following geographic sub–divisions for registration purposes and categorization of teams:

1.  The Province shall be one geographic subdivision for U18 AAA Hockey.

2.  The City of Regina

3.  The Greater Saskatoon Area


R.M. of Corman Park Boundary
Rge. 6 Boundary


Twp. 37 Boundary/Penner Rd.


R.M. of Corman Park Boundary
(North of Highway #5)
Freeborn Road (South of #5 to Floral Road)
Highway #11(South of Floral to Corman Park Boundary)


Corman Park Boundary and the Whitecap
Dakota First Nation

4.  Athol Murray College of Notre Dame at Wilcox

5.  The balance of the province

c)      i)  Geographic Sub–division 2 must divide via a zone concept or city wide draft into;

  • A minimum of two (2) teams in U13 AA
  • A minimum of two (2) teams in U15 AA
  • A minimum of one (1) team in U18 AA and compete within the Saskatchewan Female Hockey League.

ii)  Geographic Sub–division 3 must divide via a zone concept or city wide draft into;

  • A minimum of two (2) teams in U13 AA
  • A minimum of two (2) teams in U15 AA
  • A minimum of one (1) team in U18 AA and compete within the Saskatchewan Female Hockey League.

Any players who reside with their parents in geographic sub-divisions 2 & 3 and who desire to play outside the sub-division boundaries, must apply for and have been granted a concession as per Regulation 3.02.01 prior to the start of league/tournament play.

These sub-divisions must submit a proposed boundary by September 1st of each season for approval by the Hockey Saskatchewan Registration Committee.

d)  Teams shall be made up of bonafide residents of such geographic sub-divisions.  Where two (2) or more teams are formed in these geographic sub-divisions, players not able to gain a berth on the Tier I team (top tiered team) will be classified as Tier II, Tier III, etc. for the purpose of affiliation.  Tier I teams must have a minimum of twelve (12) players certified on that team.

e)  For cities over 30,000, all goaltenders within any age classification or within any Tier of any age classification may be pooled and permitted to play in any geographic subdivision within the city.  For U13 and below, any such player who is playing in a geographic sub-division for which she is not a bonafide resident may play only as a goaltender.

6.03.03    A bonafide resident is:

a)    A player who has moved with his/her parents and the parents have taken up physical residence by September 1st and continues to reside at said residence for the balance of the season.

b)    Loco Parentis – Refer to 3.01.18 a)

c)    A player attending a Hockey Canada School with Residence must have taken up residence by November 1st.

d)    For Provincial playoffs and the right to represent the Branch to compete for the Men's U18 National Club Championships and The Esso Cup respectively, Loco Parentis must be residents of Saskatchewan prior to November 1st.