
Replacement Goaltenders

4.03.02    Replacement Goaltenders

The following goaltender regulations pertain to Hockey Saskatchewan Provincial Playoffs, however, Senior Leagues shall have authority to grant permission to their member teams to use replacement registered goaltenders from other registered teams from within their league.

a)    No replacement for any ill or injured player shall be allowed, except for the goaltenders.  A replacement goaltender may be permitted by the General Manager or his designate, providing that a satisfactory certificate from a medical doctor or chiropractor is received indicating that the ill or injured goaltender is unfit to play.  The following criteria, in order, shall be used in determining where a replacement goaltender is obtained from.

i)    an affiliate goaltender.

ii)    a goaltender from a lower division or category within the sponsoring center of the team.

iii)    a goaltender from a lower division or category from any of the centers/non–centers that form the team, providing permission has been granted in writing by team management.

iv)    a goaltender from a team of the same or lower category providing permission has been granted in writing by team management.

v)    Senior D category may come from either the Senior C or D category.

b)    Permission for the replacement by the General Manager or his/her designate shall be in writing and must be attached to the appropriate registration material for inspection.  Where time does not permit, Hockey Saskatchewan shall inform the opposing team by phone before the next scheduled game.  The player must join the team within ten (10) days of the date of the last game in which the injured or ill goaltender played or prior to the next scheduled game of the team.  If the team is not scheduled to play within the ten (10) day period indicated above, the replacement goaltender cannot be replaced by another replacement goaltender unless he/she is injured or medically unfit.