
Registration Procedures

6.04.01    Minor hockey in all centers shall be under one governing body.  This body must register with Hockey Saskatchewan on or before the time they register their teams or any teams governed by this body will not be registered.  It will be the responsibility of that body for the accuracy of all player registration information.

NOTE:  There shall be no separate Female and Male Minor Hockey Associations that exist in the same center.


a)    Every player competing in games under the jurisdiction of Hockey Saskatchewan shall be a member of a Minor Hockey Association or team which is a member of Hockey Saskatchewan.

b)    Every age class player applying for registration on a team roster for the first time shall submit a birth certificate issued by proper authorities to be kept on file by the Minor Association.  Where no birth certificate is available, a baptismal certificate shall be accepted.

NOTE:  Where above mentioned are not available, supporting evidence as approved by the General Manager of Hockey Saskatchewan shall be submitted.

c)    Any player, coach, manager or executive member of a team found guilty of falsifying a birth certificate or a team roster and/or having been party to or having knowledge of such, shall be automatically suspended until dealt with by the Coordinator of Discipline.


a)    All Minor Hockey Associations must have their local registration completed by September 15th.

b)    All Minor Hockey Associations must register their players, teams and team officials with Hockey Saskatchewan via the Hockey Canada Registry (HCR) and submit for approval prior to their first sanctioned League/Tournament game or October 15th, whichever comes first. .

6.04.04    A team may register a player based upon his/her school center as per the following:

    i)  The center being claimed as the “school center” is the
    sponsoring center of the team.

    ii)  The school center is where a school division forces a player to attend school.


a)    All teams (except those in Male subdivisions 2-6 and Female subdivisions 2-4) may register players who reside in adjacent A, B, C and D centers and non-centers within the appropriate radius of the sponsoring center, in which case the combined population of these centers and non-centers shall determine the category in which the team shall register.

b)    Teams with players who attend a Hockey Canada School with Residence/Hockey Canada Accredited School may be comprised only of players from that Hockey Canada School with Residence/Hockey Canada Accredited School and the center of the Hockey Canada School with Residence/Hockey Canada Accredited School, unless a concession has first been obtained.  Such teams are categorized as AA teams unless a concession has been obtained.

c)         i)  U18

AAA – balance of the province

AA – Players wishing to play U18 AA or U16 AA must try out for the nearest AA team to their residence.  If they are not     successful in making the nearest AA team, they must obtain a release from the Association of that AA team and they may then proceed to try out for the next nearest AA team and so on.

All other U18 – 160 km radius

ii)  U15

AA – Players wishing to play U15 AA must try out for the nearest AA team to their residence.  If they are not     successful in making the nearest AA team, they must obtain a release from the Association of that AA team and they may then proceed to try out for the next nearest AA team and so on.

All other U15 – 120 km radius

iii)  U13

AA – Players wishing to play U13 AA must try out for the nearest AA team to their residence.  If they are not successful in making the nearest AA team, they must obtain a release from the Association of that AA team and they may then proceed to try out for the next nearest AA team and so on.

All other U13 – 80 km radius

iv)  U11 and Lower

Players must play with the closest center that has a team for them to register with.

NOTE:  If players do not wish to register in the closest center with a team of their age group they will require a release from that center in order to play in the next closest center, etc.  A player cannot play with a center that is more than 80 km from their parent’s residence.


a)    Teams in the AA category shall be allowed to register a maximum of twenty (20) players (two (2) of the 20 must be goaltenders).

b)    Teams in the A, B, C and D categories shall be allowed to register a maximum of twenty-one (21) players (two (2) of the 21 must be goaltenders).

6.04.07    Releases and Letters of Permission


i)  Male players may be registered on one league team roster per season unless released by previous association/team prior to, or on January 10th of the current season.  If a player is released after January 10th of the current season they are ineligible to register with any association/team.  If released prior to, or on January 10th, they may register with another association/team up to February 10th.

ii)  Female players may be registered on one Female league team roster and/or one Male league team roster per season unless released by the previous team prior to, or on January 10th of the current season.  If a player is released after January 10th of the current season they are ineligible to register with any association/team.  If released prior to, or on January 10th, they may register with another team up to February 10th.

NOTE:  If a Female player is registered on both a Female and Male team, permission must be obtained from the first minor association registered with that season in the event the two teams are registered in separate Minor Associations.

b)    Players attending AA try outs in U13 and older do not require a release until they have secured a position on the team.

c)    Players from “centers”:

i)  Require a release from the Minor Association in their center.  Copies of releases must be kept on file and made available to the Hockey Saskatchewan General Manager upon request.

ii)  For U11 and below age divisions, players must play with the closest center that has a team for them to register with.

NOTE:  If players do not wish to register in the closest center with a team of their age group they will require a release from that center in order to play in the next closest center, etc.  A player cannot play with a center that is more than 80 km from their parent’s residence.

iii)  For U13 and above age divisions, players require a release from their center to register elsewhere within the allowable age division radius.

iv)  When two or more centers combine to form a team, the players from those centers do not require releases for the creation of the team.

NOTE:  Centers A, B and C combine to create a U13 team.

Releases for players on that team are not required as the Associations have agreed to create the joint U13 team.

d)    Players from “non-centers”:

i)    Require an annual release from the Minor Hockey Association center they live nearest to if they do not wish to register in that MHA center.

ii)    Copies of releases must be kept on file with the MHA they register with and made available to the Hockey Saskatchewan General Manager upon request.

iii)    For U11 and below age divisions, players must play with the closest center that has a team for them to register with.

NOTE:  If players do not wish to register to register in the closest center with a team of their age division, they will require an annual release from that center to play in the next closest center, etc.  A player cannot play with a center that is more than 80 km from their parent's residence.

iv)    For U13 and above age divisions, non-center players require an annual release from the MHA center they live nearest to, to be able to register elsewhere within the allowable age division radius.  Copies of releases must be kept on file with the MHA they register with and made available to the Hockey Saskatchewan General Manager upon request.

v)    For players released to play elsewhere, their playing rights revert to the MHA center they live nearest to at the end of the season.

e)    For U18 AAA, players must obtain a release from the team they were last registered with.  Copies of releases must be kept on file and made available to the Hockey Saskatchewan General Manager upon request.

f)    A player refused his or her release may appeal to the Hockey Saskatchewan Registration Committee by January 11th.  Such appeal must be accompanied by a non-refundable fee of $50.00.

g)    Players registering on Hockey Saskatchewan Provincial Playoff teams or Hockey Saskatchewan Carded teams shall require written permission from the Minor Association they are registered with, and these letters of permission must be kept on file and made available to the Hockey Saskatchewan General Manager upon request.

NOTE:  Female players may only be registered on one (1) Provincial Playoff Roster (Male or Female) per season.

NOTE:  All Female U15 and U18 teams are Provincial teams.

h)    Minor Hockey Associations may only allow players who reside within the radius of the sponsoring center to register on their hockey teams.  Players who reside outside the radius are not eligible to register on a team.

6.04.08    Overage Players

a)    Teams that wish to register and to play overage players must receive approval to use the overage players from the league the team is registered in and the players must be marked as overage on the gamesheet.  If the team is not registered in a league, they must notify the opposition team officials/tournament host committees to gain approval for the use of overage players.

b)    Overage players are not eligible to play in a lower age classification during Provincial Playoffs or with Carded teams.

c)    An Overage player cannot affiliate (AP) back up to their actual age group.

6.04.09    Tampering as per Hockey Canada Regulation P

a)    No Player may be invited to attend or participate in an evaluation camp operated by a Team or League to which the Player is ineligible to register or Affiliate for the upcoming Season as of the date of the camp.

b)    Team Officials shall not encourage or invite, directly or indirectly, a Registered Participant of another Team from the previous Season in the same or higher Category or from the current Season in any Division or Category, to register, participate in training camp activities or in any games without first having secured permission in writing, in the manner set forth below from the Team or MHA with which such Player is registered.

i)  The written permission shall be a statement filed with the Branch in which the Player's Team is registered, which statement shall be signed by the President, Secretary or by the designated signing offficer of the Team with which the Player is registered.

c)    A charge of tampering must be filed in accordance with the Hockey Canada appeal procedure established in By-Law 52.  If all Teams involved are from the same Branch, the charge will be dealt with by that Branch in accordance with its regulations.

d)    Where tampering is found to have occurred, the responsible Team and/or Team Official shall receive one or more of the following sanctions:

i)    A fine up to five thousand dollars ($5,000) to the offending Team, payable to the Team which files the tampering charge within thirty (30) days of notification;

ii)    The deduction of two (2) unused Player allotments for that or the following Season;

iii)    Compensation to the Team that may lose a Player to the offending Team;

iv)    A minimum ten (10) game suspension (regular Season or play-offs) to the head Coach of the offending Team;

v)    A suspension for a period up to one (1) year to the responsible Team Officials of the offending Team.

6.04.10    Replacement Goaltenders

a)    No replacement for any ill or injured player shall be allowed except for goaltenders.  A replacement goaltender may be permitted by the General Manager or his/her designate, providing that a satisfactory certificate from a medical doctor or chiropractor is received indicating that the ill or injured goaltender is unfit to play.  The following criteria, in order, shall be used in determining where a replacement goaltender is obtained from;

i)  an affiliate goaltender

ii)  a goaltender from a lower division or category within the sponsoring center of the team.

iii)  a goaltender from a lower division or category from any of the centers/non-centers that form the team, providing permission has been granted in writing by team management.

iv)  a goaltender from a team of the same or lower category providing permission has been granted in writing by team management.

b)    Permission for the replacement by the General Manager or his/her designate shall be in writing and must be attached to the appropriate registration material for inspection.  Where time does not permit, Hockey Saskatchewan shall inform the opposing team by phone before the next scheduled game.  The player must join the team within ten (10) days of the date of the last game in which the injured or ill goaltender played or prior to the next scheduled game of the team.  If the team is not scheduled to play within the ten (10) day period indicated above, the replacement goaltender cannot be replaced by another replacement goaltender unless he/she is injured or medically unfit.

6.04.11    U18 AAA Regulations

a)    For the purpose of U18 AAA hockey under the jurisdiction of Hockey Saskatchewan, there shall be two leagues; the Saskatchewan Female U18 AAA League and the Saskatchewan U18 AAA League.

b)    The Saskatchewan Female U18 AAA League and the Saskatchewan U18 AAA League cannot expand to any new centers or change the sponsoring center of any team, without first receiving permission from the Hockey Saskatchewan Board of Directors.

c)    Games played between member teams of the respective AAA leagues prior to the beginning of the regular season shall be considered pre-season games. Games played between league teams and teams outside of the respective AAA leagues shall be considered exhibition games.

d)    U18 AAA teams shall be provided twenty-five (25) Hockey Canada/Hockey Saskatchewan player cards and may sign and register not more than twenty (20) eligible players at any one time.  If 20 player cards are signed, two (2) must be registered as goaltenders.

i)  Male U18 AAA teams must sign and commit to a minimum of fifteen (15) players by June 1st annually.

ii)  Female U18 AAA teams must sign and commit to a minimum of twelve (12) players by June 1st annually.

iii)  U18 AAA teams must finalize their roster and register with Hockey Saskatchewan by 5:00 p.m. on the Tuesday following the Labour Day Monday.

iv)  The minimum age for registering on a U18 AAA team is 15 years old as of December 31st of the current year.

v)  Underage players will only be considered as an exception if they are deemed to be an “Exceptional Player". Only second year U15 age players will be considered for acceleration to U18 AAA. In order to be considered for Exceptional Player status, applications must be submitted to Hockey Saskatchewan on or before January 10th.

  • Applicants must fill out, in its entirety, the Hockey Saskatchewan Player Acceleration Application package and provide all of the necessary documentation requested.
  • Applicants will be evaluated by Hockey Saskatchewan.
  • No underage players will be granted a second try out at the U18 AAA division.
  • Decisions will be communicated to the player and applicable host Minor Association in writing on or before May 1st.

6.04.12 - “AA” Regulations

The following Regulations apply to all AA teams entered in the Saskatchewan Female League and the Saskatchewan AA League:

NOTE:  Hockey Saskatchewan Regulation 6.03.02 b) pertaining to Geographic Subdivisions 2-4 apply for Female.  Hockey Saskatchewan Regulation 6.03.01 b) pertaining to Geographic Subdivisions 2 and 3 apply for Male. Hockey Saskatchewan Regulation 6.03.01 b) pertaining to Geographic Subdivisions 4 and 5 apply for Male in U13 AA.

a)    The Saskatchewan Female League and the Saskatchewan AA League cannot expand to any new centers in any age division or change the sponsoring center of any team without first receiving permission from the Hockey Saskatchewan Board of Directors.

b)    All "AA" try out dates for each age group and the Registration Deadline with Hockey Saskatchewan are as follows:

  • U16 AA - September 1st with a September 9th Registration Deadline
  • U18 AA - September 10th with a September 20th Registration Deadline
  • U15 AA - September 10th with a September 20th Registration Deadline
  • U13 AA - September 17th with a September 27th Registration Deadline

c)    Players wishing to play U13 AA, U15 AA, U16 AA and U18 AA must try out for the nearest AA team to their residence.  If they are not successful in making the nearest AA team they must obtain a release from the Association of that AA team and they may then proceed to try out for the next nearest AA team and so on.

NOTE:  Only players that turn 15 years old by December 31st of the current season are allowed to try out and register on a U16 AA team.

d)    Associations outside of Geographic Subdivisions 2-4 for Female, Geographic Subdivisions 2 and 3 for Male and Geographic Subdivisions 4 and 5 for Male in U13 AA and U15 AA are prohibited from imposing a "local player" quota for their AA teams.

e)    Provincial Playoffs – The winner of the Playoffs in each division (U13 AA, U15 and U18) within the Saskatchewan Female League, and (U13, U15, U16 and U18) within the Saskatchewan AA League will be the Provincial Champions.

6.04.13    U7

a)    All Minor Hockey Associations must constitutionally adopt and implement the U7 curriculum for hockey in the age classification of 6 years and under.

b)    All U7 games and practices must be in the cross-ice format.

c)    There will be no U7 games sanctioned by Hockey Saskatchewan until December 1st annually.

NOTE:  All U7 “play” until December 1st is practices.

d)    The maximum number of games a U7 team can play is thirty-five (35) per season. (See 6.04.15 Note)

6.04.14    U9

a)    All Minor Hockey Associations must constitutionally adopt and implement the U9 Hockey Saskatchewan curriculum for hockey in the age classification of U9 and below.

b)    All U9 games and practices must be in the half-ice format.

c)    There will be no U9 Exhibition games sanctioned by Hockey Saskatchewan prior to November 15th.

d)    There will be no U9 Tournament games sanctioned by Hockey Saskatchewan prior to December 1st.

e)    There will be no U9 League games sanctioned by Hockey Saskatchewan prior to January 1st.

f)    U9 League Playoffs must be in a Tournament style format over a maximum of two weekends.

g)    Geographic Subdivisions 2-5 are closed for all U9 League play.

h)    Tiered U9 teams must have a minimum of four (4) skates/practices prior to formal evaluations starting and those Evaluations/Try Outs cannot start until the 3rd weekend in September.

i)    Communities outside of Geographic Subdivisions 2-5 who choose to tier their U9 teams can have a maximum of two (2) tiers and the players registered on these teams must be residents of the sponsoring center of the team or reside closest to the sponsoring center of the team.

j)    The maximum number of games a U9 team can play is forty-five (45) per season (Carded team games are not included in the 45 game maximum).

NOTE:  Any coach, team and/or association found to be non-compliant with the U7 Cross-Ice format at any time during the season; or the U9 Half-Ice format; or the seasonal maximum game limits for U7, U9 and U11, will be subject to sanctions from both the Minor Hockey Association and/or Hockey Saskatchewan.

Sanctions may include but are not limited to:

  • Head Coach suspension
  • Minor Hockey Association (and members) not being able to enter Hockey Saskatchewan Provincial Playoffs.
  • Minor Hockey Association (and members) not being able to host any Hockey Saskatchewan sanctioned event.
  • Minor Hockey Association (and members) not being able to attend any Hockey Saskatchewan sanctioned event.
  • Minor Hockey Association’s Hockey Saskatchewan membership reviewed.

6.04.15    U11

a)    Tiered U11 teams must have a minimum of four (4) skates/practices prior to formal evaluations starting and those Evaluations/Try Outs cannot start until the 3rd weekend in September.

b)    There will be no U11 Exhibition, Tournament or League games sanctioned by Hockey Saskatchewan prior to November 15th.

c)    The maximum number of games a U11 team can play is forty-five (45) per season. (See 6.04.15 Note)  Carded team games are not included in the 45 game maximum.

d)    U11 League Playoffs must be in a Tournament style format over a maximum of two weekends.

6.04.16 - Carded Teams

U9 and U11 teams outside of Geographic Subdivisions 2-6 who are registered with Hockey Saskatchewan may combine to form a team for tournaments/exhibition game purposes by drawing players from within an 80 km radius.

a)    Carded teams may apply to register online starting November 1st and until 5:00 p.m. on November 15th.

b)    Once the application is approved, the applicant will receive a team registration form which they must complete and submit to Hockey Saskatchewan by 5:00 p.m. on December 1st.

c)    Carded teams are allowed to practice once per week beginning on December 1st provided it does not conflict with their regular season team's schedule.

NOTE:  Club/League team play takes precedent over carded team play.  Any team official(s)/parent(s) who choose not to follow this note will be subject to disciplinary action which may include action taken against the player(s) under Hockey Saskatchewan minimum suspension guideline 6.09.04 d).

d)    There are four (4) Carded weekends throughout the winter season which prohibits League play scheduled for the U9 and U11 divisions throughout the province (no exceptions):

1)  2nd weekend in December
2)  2nd weekend in January
3)  3rd weekend in February
4)  Last weekend in March

e)    Carded teams can register a maximum of nineteen (19) players.  If registering the maximum 19, two (2) must be goaltenders.

f)    Carded teams are not allowed any affiliate players (APs).

g)    A player can only be registered on one (1) carded team per season.

h)    Carded teams must secure written letters of permission from the association that each player is registered in during the season in order for them to be eligible to play.

i)    Players must be age appropriate for carded teams.

j)    Players registered on Tier 1 teams within an Association are not eligible to be registered on a carded team.

k)    Players registered on a Provincial team are not eligible to register on a carded team.

6.04.17    League Categorization

To clarify the categorization of leagues throughout the province, and the confusion between city and rural leagues, the following lists are provided to help;

For example – if a U11 team from Wilkie wants to attend a tournament in Saskatoon, what category of tournament do they apply to enter?

Remember to check league websites to see where each team is in their respective league standings when entering a tournament.


  • AAA – Saskatchewan U18 AAA League, Saskatchewan Female U18 AAA League
  • AA – Saskatchewan AA League, Saskatchewan Female League
  • A – Saskatchewan Female League, Hwy 155, Hi-Way 14, Fertile Valley, East Central, Major, Mainline, Moose Mountain, North Central, North East, Sask Valley, South East, South West, STEP, Saskatoon (Tier 2), Regina (Tier 2), Moose Jaw (Tier 2), Prince Albert (Tier 2)
  • B – Saskatoon (Tier 3), Regina (Tier 3), Moose Jaw (Tier 3), Prince Albert (Tier 3)


  • AA – Saskatchewan AA League


  • AA – Saskatchewan AA League, Saskatchewan Female League
  • A – Saskatchewan Female League, Hwy 155, Hi-Way 14, Fertile Valley, East Central, Major, Mainline, Moose Mountain, North Central, North East, Sask Valley, South East, South West, STEP, Saskatoon (Tier 2), Regina (Tier 2), Moose Jaw (Tier 2), Prince Albert (Tier 2)
  • B – Saskatoon (Tier 3), Regina (Tier 3), Moose Jaw (Tier 3), Prince Albert (Tier 3)

U11 & Below

  • A – Saskatchewan Female League, Hwy 155, Hi-Way 14, Fertile Valley, East Central, Major, Mainline, Moose Mountain, North Central, North East, Sask Valley, South East, South West, STEP, Saskatoon (Tier 1), Regina (Tier 1), Moose Jaw (Tier 1), Prince Albert (Tier 1)
  • B – Saskatoon (Tier 2), Regina (Tier 2), Moose Jaw (Tier 2), Prince Albert (Tier 2)
  • C – Saskatoon (Tier 3), Regina (Tier 3), Moose Jaw (Tier 3), Prince Albert (Tier 3)