
Purpose of the Insurance Program

The Insurance Program assists in ensuring that adequate financial resources are in place to compensate those who are injured or who have suffered a financial loss as the result of their involvement in hockey. It involves good financial management, so that funds are in place to meet claims obligations when they fall due. It also includes establishing control mechanisms so only genuine claims are reimbursed.

Insurance is one important method of handling claims, but only when it is practical, possible and cost-effective. Ironically, insurance is not available to cover many hockey-related risk exposures, as many times the desired coverage is simply unaffordable.

Hockey Canada has constructed an Insurance Program to provide financial resources to help deal with the cost of risks which confront organized hockey.

Hockey is managed primarily by extremely dedicated volunteers. The real purpose of this section is to provide guidance when decisions are being made which may affect the degree of risk assumed by a league or team.

Every effort has been made to make this section as helpful and comprehensive as possible. If any doubt remains about a specific situation, please consult Hockey Saskatchewan.