


Purchases of materials, supplies, services, and equipment by the Association are to be made in accordance with principles and procedures designed to acquire the best value for Hockey Saskatchewan with a preference to supporting vendors within the province. The purpose of this policy is to provide transparency in posting for response, evaluation of bidding participants, and purchasing outcomes.


This policy procedure was amended on May 3, 2023

a) Definitions:

The following definitions are cited to ensure consistent interpretation:

i. Formal Tender Formal Competitive Bid—A process requiring the tender to be advertised in provincial media and tender opening to be made publicly.

ii. Request for Proposal—A formal process for obtaining offers from competing organizations and evaluating those proposals against stated requirements, using a predefined evaluation process and a predefined set of evaluation criteria in which price is not the only factor.

iii. Request for Written Quotation—A process requiring selected vendors to submit written quotations, not required to be opened publicly.

iv. Standing Offer – the agreed upon purchasing agreement for resources or supplies needed over a three (3) to five (5) year period.

v. Good – means a good that is produced, manufactured, grown, or obtained in, used for a commercial purpose in, or distributed from.

vi. Service – means a service supplied or to be supplied.

b) Connections

These procedures are to work together with Marketing and Sponsorship agreements.

This policy would not apply if other sponsorship agreements are in place.

c) Processing Purchases 

i. Our General Manager can purchase or authorize spending, up to $25,000

ii. A minimum of three (3) written quotations or RFP responses will be requested when expenditures:

  • The value of the goods or services is expected between $10,000 and $25,000; or
  • The General Manager or The Chair of the Board deems it to be in the best interests of the Association.

iii. Formal Competitive Bid or the establishment of a standing offer will be used for purchases greater than $25,000

iv. Hockey Saskatchewan may use Standing Offer quotes on yearly purchases over the above listed thresholds.

v. Request for Proposal (RFP) FP or tenders to establish a standing offer will be posted on the Hockey Saskatchewan website and social media channels.

vi. Through a pre-determined set of evaluation criteria, the General Manager, Hockey Saskatchewan Board Chair & appropriate staff will make a final selection of the winning bid. Terms may include but are not limited to price, quality, reliability/experience, and social responsibility, with a preference towards Saskatchewan-based suppliers.

vii. Hockey Sask is not required to disclose bid participants, bid content, evaluation criteria, or successful applicant. All unsuccessful
applicants however will be notified.

viii. Goods and services up to an aggregate cost of $10,000 may be purchased directly by budget managers. Goods obtained through the formal tender process are excluded from this authority.

For purchases that have only a single-source provider, a written quotation is still required based on the threshold limit identified above. However, if the purchase is over $10,000, the requirement to obtain three quotes is waived. A quote is still required from the single-source provider, and a note on the invoice must be made indicating that the vendor is the sole source provider of the item being purchased.

d) Responsibilities and Authorities

i.) Any purchase exceeding $25,000 will require the approval of the Board.

  Expenditures up to $10,000 Expenditures from $10,000.01 - $25,000.00 Expenditures Over $25,000.01 Partnership agreements up to $50,000.00 Partnership agreements over $50,000.01 Restricted Reserves Unrestricted Reserves Legal and Financial Services
Board of Directors     Yes   Yes Yes Yes Yes
General Manager Yes Yes   Yes        
Method of Procurement / Aproval No Quote Needed 3 Quotes or SO Tender or SO GM Approval Board Approval Board Approval Board Approval Board Approval
SO - Standing offer (1-5 Years)

ii. The General Manager will be responsible for reviewing all tenders and bringing recommendations for the successful bidder to the Board for approval.

iii. The Board provides approval for the award of tenders for all capital construction.

iv. The Board provides approval for tangible capital expenditures for motor vehicles, furniture and fixtures, equipment and computer hardware and software, as well as minor renovations and preventative maintenance through the budget approval process.

v. The General Manager is responsible for adhering to the Hockey Sask Purchasing Policy. The General Manager may delegate other employees for payment of items, according to pre-approved expenditures.