
10 - Provincial Playoffs

3.10.01    The Hockey Saskatchewan Board of Directors reserves to itself the right of placing teams as it may deem in the best interest of hockey.


a)    The teams shall be grouped for playoffs in accordance with the regulations and divisions as outlined in Definitions 3.01.03 and 3.01.05.

b)    The Challenge of a player’s eligibility on a Hockey Saskatchewan Provincial Team Registration Form must be provided to Hockey Saskatchewan in writing by the Minor Hockey Association President/Senior Team Manager of a Provincial Team prior to 5:00 pm on January 20th. That eligibility will then be investigated by Hockey Saskatchewan. No challenges to Provincial player’s eligibility will be accepted after this deadline.

3.10.03    Minor/Female

a)    Minor/Female teams, except for teams in both U18 AAA Leagues, Saskatchewan AA League and the Saskatchewan Female League, will play a Modified Best of Three (3) series.

b)    Both dates must be set before the start of the series and if an agreement cannot be reached between the two teams involved, then Hockey Saskatchewan shall designate dates, times and locations of series games.

c)    The games will be played using Regular Game timing procedures - Three (3) twenty (20) minute stop time periods.

i)    If the first game is tied, it will remain tied.

ii)    If one team wins game 1 and ties game 2, the team with the win will be the series winner.

iii)    If the teams split the two games, or if the first two games both end in a tie, then a Mini-Game will be played to decide the series winner regardless of what the score was in the first two games.

d)    Mini-Game Rules:

i)    When it is necessary to decide a series by virtue of the Mini-Game, the teams will take a two (2) minute break at their respective benches.

ii)    The teams will play a ten (10) minute period, stop time.

iii)    This will not be sudden victory; the full ten (10) minute period will be played.

iv)    If the teams remain tied at the end of the Mini-Game, there will be an ice cleaning and the teams will continue to play twenty (20) minute stop time sudden victory periods.

v)    A separate game sheet will be completed for the Mini-Game.

e)    Penalty/Suspension Procedures for Mini-Game:

i)    A time penalty from the end of Game two (2) will not be carried over to the Mini-Game as the Mini-Game and possibly subsequent overtime is viewed as a separate game.

ii) Suspensions:

1)    Any player or coach who committed a suspendable infraction in Game two (2) of the series would sit the Mini-Game and subsequent possible Overtime. The Mini-Game, although separate, is not considered a full game so missing the Mini-Game would not count towards that player or coach’s suspension.

2)    If a player and/or coach was suspended before the series or after the first game of the series, and his/her suspension was up or served in its entirety after the second game of the series, that player and/or coach would be eligible to participate in the Mini-Game as it is deemed a separate game.

3.10.04    Minor/Female/Junior Leagues

The Saskatchewan AA League, Saskatchewan Female League, Male and Female U18 AAA Leagues, Saskatchewan Junior Female League and Junior A, B and C Divisions shall develop their own Provincial Playoff format to comply with the deadline dates under the jurisdiction of Hockey Saskatchewan.

3.10.05    Senior

a)    All Senior A, B, C and D Provincial Playoff series shall be a best of three (3) series.

b)    All Senior AAA Provincial Playoff series shall be a best of three (3) series with the Provincial Final being a best of five (5) series.

3.10.06    Teams entering Provincial Playoffs must complete each series as drawn by the dates as designated when playoffs are drawn.  Any changes must first be approved by Hockey Saskatchewan.

3.10.07    No vital decision shall be made concerning any playoffs without first consulting the General Manager, who may consult with the Hockey Saskatchewan Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Association.

3.10.08    All teams, other than from the Saskatchewan AA League, the Saskatchewan Female League, U18 AAA and Junior Leagues, participating in Hockey Saskatchewan Provincial Playoffs must be ready to proceed with the playoffs by January 20th (no games played prior).

3.10.09    Hockey Saskatchewan Playoffs shall have preference over League or Tournament play.

3.10.10    Pre & Post Game Process

a)    In every Hockey Saskatchewan Provincial Playoff game a standard game sheet must be completed in triplicate.

b)    At the conclusion of the game, the official scorer shall sign the game sheet and then have the officials sign and print their names.

c)    i)    The Referee shall then forward a photo/copy of the game sheet along with any reports electronically to Hockey Saskatchewan by 10:00 am the morning following the game.

      ii)    Penalties to be advised electronically are:  All Major, Match, Gross and Game Misconducts

      iii)    The original game sheet is to be kept on file by the Home Team.

3.10.11    Replacement Goaltenders

a)    No replacement for any ill or injured player shall be allowed, except for the goaltenders.  A replacement goaltender may be permitted by the General Manager or his designate, providing that a satisfactory certificate from a medical doctor or chiropractor is received indicating that the ill or injured goaltender is unfit to play.  The following criteria, in order, shall be used in determining where a replacement goaltender is obtained from:

i)    an affiliate goaltender

ii)    a goaltender from a lower division or category within the sponsoring center of the team.

iii)    a goaltender from a lower division or category from any of the centers/non–centers that form the team providing permission has been granted in writing by team management.

iv)    a goaltender from a team of the same or lower category providing permission has been granted in writing by team management.

v)    Senior D category may come from either C or D category.

b)    Permission for the replacement by the General Manager or his/her designate shall be in writing and must be attached to the player’s card for inspection.  Where time does not permit, Hockey Saskatchewan shall inform the opposing team by phone before the next scheduled game.  The player must join the team within ten (10) days of the date of the last game in which the injured or ill goaltender played or prior to the next scheduled game of the team. If the team is not scheduled to play within the ten (10) day period indicated above, the replacement goaltender cannot be replaced by another replacement goaltender unless he\she is injured or medically unfit.

3.10.12    Officiating

a)    Only registered referees and linesmen may be used in Hockey Saskatchewan Provincial Playoff games.  It is the responsibility of each team to ensure that there is an adequate number of registered officials in that center.  Only officials who attend a current season Hockey Saskatchewan approved referee's clinic will be allowed to register.

b)    The four-official system must be assigned in all Hockey Saskatchewan Provincial Playoff games.

c)    i)  The Officiating Development Program Committee shall appoint 2 referees and 2 linesmen for all Hockey Saskatchewan Provincial Playoff games.

      ii)  The home team will be responsible for payment of the official's fees.  If travel between centers is involved, the home team will be responsible for payment of the mileage plus any ride along fee if applicable.

d)    Goal judges are not required for Hockey Saskatchewan Provincial Playoff games.


a)    All trophies presented in Provincial Playoffs must be returned to the General Manager by December 15th of the current season.  Any team or association failing to return the trophy by the above deadline will be fined the sum of $100.00 and may be disallowed from entering Hockey Saskatchewan Provincial Playoffs or tournaments until payment is made and trophy returned.

b)    Hockey Saskatchewan will award plaques to Provincial championship winners and runners up (maximum 24 per team).

NOTE:  Maximum of 28 to be presented to Senior and Junior.