
3 - Playing Regulations

3.03.01    A player may only be registered on one team roster and/or one provincial playoff team and/or be affiliated to one team.

NOTE:  Female players may be registered on one female team roster and/or one minor team roster and/or one provincial playoff team (female or minor) and/or affiliated to one team.

3.03.02    The official scorer shall obtain a printed line–up from the manager or coach of each team prior to the start of the game. This shall be verified and signed by the manager or coach in charge.

NOTE:  The Captain, Alternate Captains and affiliated players must be designated on the score sheet before the game starts.


a)    The head coach shall be held responsible for the accuracy of all the players and team officials listed on the game sheet and his\her certification shall be evidence that the players and team officials are properly registered as well as those players participating in the game are the players and team officials whose names are on the game sheet.

b)    Any team official found guilty of violating Hockey Saskatchewan registration regulations in League, Hockey Saskatchewan Provincial Playoffs, Tournament or Exhibition hockey, shall be indefinitely suspended by the Officer in Charge of Discipline until an investigation is completed.

c)    The player(s) in question that were played illegally may also be subject to disciplinary action by Hockey Saskatchewan.

d)    If the player(s) in question participated in League games, the games will be defaulted.

e)    For those games in Hockey Saskatchewan Provincial Playoffs that the player(s) in question participated, Hockey Saskatchewan shall apply appropriate disciplinary measures and render a decision on the continued eligibility of the team in Provincial Playoffs.

3.03.04    In League play, the referee will report all Match Penalties, Gross Misconducts, Game Misconducts, Major Penalties for Checking From Behind/Head Contact and any unusual penalty infractions that the referee deems necessary to report (IE. Leaving the Players or Penalty Bench, Rule 9.5; Refusing to Start Play, Rule 10.14) to the League President and Hockey Saskatchewan Manager, Officiating electronically by 10:00 am the morning following the game.  The game sheet and a game report are also to be mailed to the League President by the home team within 24 hours of completion of the game.

In Hockey Saskatchewan Provincial Play–off games, Exhibition and Tournament games the game sheet and officials game report are to be sent electronically to Hockey Saskatchewan by 10:00 am the following day.  The game sheet and game report must also be mailed to Hockey Saskatchewan by the home team within 24 hours of the game.  Any official who fails to follow the proper reporting procedure may be suspended.

3.03.05    Only registered referees and linesmen may be used in games.  It is the responsibility of each league or association to ensure that there is an adequate number of registered officials. Only officials who attend a current season Hockey Saskatchewan approved clinic will be allowed to register.


a)    At the completion of each game the official scorer shall sign the game sheet and then have the referee and linesmen print their name legibly as well as the referee sign the game sheet.

b)    It shall be the responsibility of the referee to ensure that any Major, Match or Misconduct penalties assessed during a game are recorded on the game sheet accurately before signing the game sheet and giving the copies to the teams. (i.e., MISC recorded instead of GAME MISC. AND 5 SPEARING instead of MATCH SPEARING.)