
Non-sanctioned Winter Hockey


(August 15th to April 1st)

Hockey Saskatchewan respects the rights of individuals to consider programming outside their local MHA; however, if that outside programming focuses on the recruitment of players, formation of teams, competition and playing games outside of Hockey Saskatchewan sanctioned activities, Hockey Saskatchewan will protect those MHAs and their members.

It is Hockey Saskatchewan’s role to assist, protect, and support every MHA in the development of their association, its coaches, players, and officials.  Hockey Saskatchewan invests through its membership fees, Hockey Canada, and Sask Lotteries funding player, coach, and officiating development that continues to enhance winter programming.

Hockey Saskatchewan recognizes Skill Development Programming that is available outside of the programming of an MHA and encourages the participation in such programming if the focus is on every player being given the chance to register and the focus is solely on skill development and not team formation, competition, and games. Hockey Saskatchewan sanctions “Hockey Sask Skill Licensees” and these can be found on the Hockey Saskatchewan Website.


Winter season: August 15 until April 1 annually

Note: Definition of a “non-sanction hockey program or activity” is at the absolute discretion of the Hockey Saskatchewan Board of Directors and/or Hockey Saskatchewan staff.


Any player who participates with a Non-Sanctioned winter hockey program or activity during the current winter hockey season and prior to September 30th of the current year and wishes to return to Hockey Saskatchewan sanctioned programming, must apply for a concession from the Hockey Saskatchewan Registration Committee for re-instatement. The deadline to apply is October 31st of the current year. The player submits their concession to their respective Minor Hockey Association/Junior or Senior League, and if the Minor Hockey Association/Junior or Senior League chooses to support the application, the Minor Hockey Association/Junior or Senior League will work with the Hockey Saskatchewan Registration Committee to determine if the player can be accommodated. As roster sizes, tiering and registration deadlines can all be factors, there is no guarantee that a player will be able to return within the season. The Registration Committee will decide what level of hockey that player can participate in.

Additionally, Hockey Saskatchewan will only accept players registered in the current season with a Hockey Saskatchewan member Minor Hockey Association/Junior and Senior League or Accredited School into Provincial Programming. This includes Sask Female Futures, Female Jamborees, and Sask First Programming. Access to these programs is reserved for the members of Hockey Saskatchewan.

Team Officials/Team or League Administrators/Officials (Referees or Linesman)

A. Non-Player Participants (Bench Staff)

Hockey Saskatchewan believes that it is important for its registered participants, to subscribe to and support the principles found in the LTAD model. This includes Bench Staff, who are expected to be role models for the players, and champions of the LTAD model.

If a non-player participant chooses to participate as Bench Staff within a Non-Sanctioned winter hockey program or activity during the winter hockey season and prior to September 30th of the current year and wishes to return to Hockey Saskatchewan sanctioned programming, they must apply for a concession from the Hockey Saskatchewan Registration Committee for re-instatement. The deadline to apply is October 31st of the current year.

B. Non-Player Participants (Officials)

On-Ice Officials, including referees and linesman, are representing Hockey Saskatchewan when they officiate Hockey Saskatchewan sanctioned games. It is expected, therefore, that they will be strong
supporters of Hockey Canada’s LTAD model and will not generally engage in officiating in a Non-Sanctioned winter hockey program or activity. If any Official chooses to officiate in a Non-Sanctioned
winter hockey program or activity, that participation may be considered in determining whether that Official will be granted assignments for Hockey Saskatchewan sanctioned programming for the remainder of that season.

Common Questions

If my son or daughter participates in games in a Non-Sanctioned winter hockey program or activity prior to September 30th of the current season and wishes to return to Hockey Saskatchewan Sanctioned programing prior to October 31st of the current season, are they able to?

  • Yes, they must submit a concession application and gain approval from the Hockey Saskatchewan Registration Committee, providing the Minor Hockey Association/Junior or Senior League accepts the player’s registration.

If my son or daughter participates in games in a Non-Sanctioned winter hockey program or activity after September 30th of the current season and wishes to return to Hockey Saskatchewan Sanctioned programming, are they able to?

  • No. If a player participates in a Non-Sanctioned program or activity after September 30th they are ineligible to apply for a concession. Following that date there is no opportunity to return during the current winter season.

If I am coaching in a Non-Sanctioned winter hockey program or activity, can I coach a team in Hockey Saskatchewan Sanctioned programming?

  • No. Your decision to coach in a program outside Hockey Saskatchewan’s jurisdiction during the winter months renders you ineligible to coach within Hockey Saskatchewan Sanctioned programming. Hockey Saskatchewan supplements the cost of training coaches throughout the province annually to ensure players receive the instruction from competent, qualified coaches to assist in their development as a player. Therefore, Hockey Saskatchewan will not allow those same coaches to participate in Non-Sanctioned winter hockey programs or activities during the winter months which competes with Hockey Saskatchewan programming.

If I serve as a coach of in a Non-Sanctioned winter hockey program or activity during the Winter season, can I return to coach the following winter season with Hockey Saskatchewan?

  • Yes, however the appointment of coaches is at the discretion of local Minor Hockey Associations/Junior or Senior League.

If I referee or serve as a linesman in Non-Sanctioned Winter season games, may I still officiate in Hockey Saskatchewan sanctioned games?

  • Yes, however involvement in a Non-Sanctioned winter hockey program or activity will be taken into account in granting assignments for Hockey Saskatchewan Programming for the remainder of the season.

Can players participate in Non-Sanctioned Winter Hockey and Hockey Saskatchewan Programming such as the Sask First Male and Female Programs?

  • No. Access to these is offered to and reserved for the members of Hockey Saskatchewan. Players would be ineligible for Hockey Saskatchewan Programming during the season they are participating in Non-Sanctioned winter hockey programs or activity.

If my child plays within a Non-Sanctioned Winter Hockey or I Coach/Manage a team within a Non-Sanctioned Winter Leage, can I access Hockey Canada/Hockey Saskatchewan insurance?

  • No. Hockey Saskatchewan strongly recommends you investigate the levels and types of insurance coverage you have if you choose to participate in a Non-Sanctioned winter hockey program or activity.

If my child plays within a Non-Sanctioned Winter Hockey program or activity and then he/she returns to Hockey Saskatchewan Sanctioned Hockey the following year, can I serve on my local Minor Hockey Association Board? I was never involved as a team official with the Non-Sanctioned Program.

  • Yes, if the membership of the Minor Hockey Association/Junior or Senior League has elected you or you have been appointed by the Minor Hockey Association/Junior or Senior League Board of Directors.