
Bylaw 2 - Membership

2.02.01    Regular Membership

Subject to the condition's precedent set out herein and compliance with these Bylaws and the Rules and Regulations of the Association, Membership in Hockey Saskatchewan is open to the following who are considered the members of Hockey Saskatchewan:

a)    Any Local Minor Hockey Association whose primary place of operations is Saskatchewan provided that Hockey Saskatchewan will only recognize one Minor Hockey Association for each city, town or hamlet.

b)    All Officiating Development Leadership Team Members who represent all Hockey Officials currently registered with Hockey Saskatchewan.

c)    The following registered Leagues:  Junior A, Junior B, Junior C & Senior.

d)    Life Members.

2.02.02    Member Rights

Members of Hockey Saskatchewan have the following rights:

i)    To receive notices of Members Meetings.

ii)    To attend and speak at Members Meetings.

iii)    To submit Proposals for inclusion on the agenda of Members Meetings.

iv)    To vote in accordance with Hockey Saskatchewan's Bylaws at any Members Meeting on matters including, but not limited to, Constitution and Bylaw changes and the election to the Board of Directors.

v)    To participate in competitions and other programming organized by Hockey Saskatchewan.

vi)    To classify teams under their jurisdiction into Divisions consistent with Hockey Saskatchewan age limits and categories.

vii)    To exercise all other rights and privileges arising from the Bylaws and Regulations of Hockey Saskatchewan, and such other rights and privileges as the Board may determine.

viii)    May exercise total autonomy by way of interpreting and applying Regulations, Playing Rules, Policies, Board of Director decisions and provincial rulings in a more restrictive manner.

ix)    May make special application through a concession application to the Hockey Saskatchewan Registration Committee to have Regulations within their jurisdiction applied in a less restrictive manner.

2.02.03    Member Obligations

i)    Each member is obliged and empowered to foster, conduct and control hockey within its jurisdiction in a manner consistent with Hockey Saskatchewan’s Bylaws, Regulations, Policies and Board decisions. All games played within a Member’s jurisdiction, and the qualification of all Registered Participants competing in such games, must conform to such Bylaws, Regulations, Policies and decisions.

ii)    Subject to Bylaws 2.02.02 viii) and 2.02.02.ix) no Member shall amend its Bylaws, Regulations, Playing Rules or Policies in a manner that conflicts with the Bylaws, Regulations, Playing Rules or Policies of Hockey Saskatchewan.  Every member shall submit all amendments or changes to its Bylaws or Regulations, together with a complete list of its Board of Directors or similar executive body, annually in writing to the General Manager of Hockey Saskatchewan.

iii)    Each member shall pay an annual assessment fee which shall be determined by the Board of Directors. Failure to pay prior to team’s first sanctioned League/Tournament play may result in disciplinary sanctions including, without limitation, expulsion from Hockey Saskatchewan.

iv)    Each Member shall comply fully with all other responsibilities arising from the Bylaws, Regulations, Playing Rules and Policies of Hockey Saskatchewan and Hockey Canada.

2.02.04    Partners

i)    Hockey Saskatchewan, through its Board, may grant Partner status to organizations that Hockey Saskatchewan has recognized as significant stakeholders in the game of hockey in Saskatchewan.

ii)    The Board, by way of Ordinary Resolution, may grant Partner status to additional organizations at such times and on such terms as it deems appropriate.

iii)    Partners are entitled to such rights and have such responsibilities as the Board may, from time to time, determine.

iv)    Partners shall have no voting rights, other than in the Committees or Task Teams on which they serve and shall not be deemed Members of Hockey Saskatchewan.

v)    The Board may terminate any Partner's status by way of Ordinary Resolution.

2.02.05    Life Memberships

i)    A Life Membership is the highest honor that can be bestowed by Hockey Saskatchewan and is awarded only for distinguished service to Hockey Saskatchewan. Nominations must be received in writing by the General Manager by March 1st. Elections to Life Membership requires 75% of the vote of the Board at the last Board meeting prior to April 30th. Not more than one such award will be presented in any one year.

ii)    A per diem allowance shall be paid to all Life Members while attending Annual Meetings in accordance with the fees set out for Directors attending. In addition, they will receive up to a maximum of $500.00 travel allowance if they reside outside the province. They shall each be entitled to one vote.

2.02.06    Ceasing to be a Member

i)    Resignation or Withdrawal

Any Member, Partner or Life Member may resign or withdraw from membership in Hockey Saskatchewan by submitting its resignation in writing to the Hockey Saskatchewan Board of Directors. Upon such resignation becoming effective, such member shall forfeit its rights and privileges in Hockey Saskatchewan but will remain liable for any financial obligations that are outstanding at the time of resignation.

ii)    Expulsion

a)  The Hockey Saskatchewan Board of Directors may expel from membership in Hockey Saskatchewan by a resolution passed by two–thirds (2/3) of the Hockey Saskatchewan Board of Directors at a meeting called for that purpose.

b)  No Member, Partner or Life Member shall be expelled without being notified of the complaint against it or without having first been given an opportunity to be heard by the Board of Directors at the aforesaid meeting.

c)  The Hockey Saskatchewan Board of Directors may, by a vote of two–thirds (2/3) of the Directors, expel any Member who has failed to pay any membership dues required by the Hockey Saskatchewan Board of Directors.

d)  A member shall cease to be a Member by resignation, withdrawal or expulsion.

2.02.07    Dues

i)    The annual dues for members shall be determined annually by the Hockey Saskatchewan Board of Directors prior to the Annual Meeting each year.

ii)    All annual dues for Members as determined by the Hockey Saskatchewan Board of Directors shall be due with the Membership registration prior to the first sanctioned League or Tournament Games.

iii)    A member shall not be in good standing unless it has paid the annual dues as determined by the Hockey Saskatchewan Board of Directors.

iv)    Partners and Life Members shall not be required to pay annual dues.

2.02.08    Recourse to the Courts

i)    Any recourse to the courts of any jurisdiction by any member, or by someone acting on behalf of a member, before all rights of appeal and all the rights and remedies of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association have been exhausted, shall be deemed in violation and breach of the Bylaws, and a violation and breach of the Board of Directors decisions shall result in the automatic indefinite suspension of such member from any Hockey Saskatchewan sponsored or organized activities and games as specifically set out.

ii)    Any association, league, team, manager, coach, player, trainer and/or referee who has sought court action before exhausting all proper procedures of appeal will be liable for all legal costs and disbursements incurred by Hockey Saskatchewan.

iii)    Until full legal costs are paid, the right of membership of said party will be suspended.

iv)    Any association, league, team, manager, coach, player, trainer and/or referee who, having exhausted the appeal procedures and proceeds with Court action, will be liable for all legal costs and disbursements incurred by Hockey Saskatchewan should the Court rule in favour of Hockey Saskatchewan prior to reinstatement of said party’s membership with Hockey Saskatchewan.