
Hockey Canada Accident Insurance Benefits Do Not Cover

  • Benefits eligible for payment by an employee’s private medical and/or dental plan. The plan acts as second payer in all cases and can be used for deductibles/coinsurance not paid by the first payer.
  • Any benefits provided or paid by any government hospital or medical plans, whether or not the injured person is included in such plan. There are no payments for any non-resident who plays hockey in Canada without some form of primary coverage.
  • The purchase, repair or replacement of eyeglasses or contact lenses, or prescriptions thereof.
  • Sickness or disease either as a cause or effect.
  •  Injury resulting from war or any act of war, whether declared or undeclared.
  • Air travel, except as a fare-paying passenger in an aircraft with a certificate of air worthiness to/from a Hockey Canada sanctioned activity.
  • Expenses of dental treatment incurred for the cost of replacement or repair of artificial teeth or dentures, permanent bridgework excepted.
  • The expenses of a knee brace or similar device, the use of which is solely to allow an insured person to participate in a game or practice.
  • Any expenses not submitted within 365 days of the date of the accident.
  • Any accident report forms not submitted within 90 days of the accident.

Important Notes

* If travelling outside of Canada for a sanctioned hockey related activity the Hockey Canada accident/dental coverage is considered secondary.  Participants MUST purchase appropriate out of country medical coverage to act as their primary insurer in the country they are visiting.

* If travelling to a different Province to play participants should check with their Provincial/Territorial Health Care provider to confirm coverages in the
Province/Territory being visited.

Players from outside of Canada coming into Canada to play on a Hockey Canada sanctioned team must purchase primary medical coverage for the time they will be residing here. The Hockey Canada accident/dental coverage acts as a secondary provider only.

This insurance coverage is part of a Trust Agreement.

This resource contains a general description of the Hockey Canada Insurance Program and its features. If there is a discrepancy between this booklet, and the master policy, then the terms and provisions of the master policies shall take precedence. If you wish to view the applicable policy documents, you are entitled to do so and may visit any Member of Hockey Canada at reasonable times for this purpose.