
Guidelines / Regulations

April 1 – July 15 Annually
Violation of Starting a Spring/Summer Hockey Program Prior to April 1 and conflicting with the Winter Program will be determined by the Hockey Saskatchewan Coordinator of Discipline.

Team Formation/Registration
There would be no registration boundaries of any kind for the formation of teams. The total number of players that could be registered on a team would be nineteen (19).  Registration forms are available on the Hockey Saskatchewan Website and all forms and fees must be received by the Hockey Saskatchewan Office prior to sanctioning being in effect. Hockey Saskatchewan Senior Manager, Operations Derek Derow is the contact person.

Team Officials
A team may register as many team officials as they wish with the understanding that as per Hockey Canada Playing Rules, only five (5) team officials may be on the bench at one time during a game.  Minimum Coaching Certification would be as per Branch Regulations and all requirements will be those of the “A” category and below.

Team/Participant Fees
$50.00 per team
$10 per participant (Player or Team Official). If the player or Team Official was not registered in the previous Winter Season the Participant Fee is $48.

Tournament Sanction Fees
The $25.00 per age group/division fee would apply which is the same as in the Winter.

For example; Tournament has three age groups (U9, U11 and U13) along with two levels/tiers in each age group – that would equate into six Tournament Sanctions.

Sanctioned Tournaments must ensure all teams participating are registered with their respective Provincial Association and/or Hockey Saskatchewan.

Minimum Suspension Guidelines
The Hockey Canada/Branch Minimum Suspension Guidelines will apply and suspensions will be carried over from Winter to Alternate and Alternate to Winter.

Spring/Summer Tryout Time
Spring/Summer Teams will have the following time frame to conduct legitimate tryout sessions and/or skates:
December 24 – 31 Annually

Violation of Tryout Time Dates
Hockey Saskatchewan will determine what type of Suspension would be applied and to whom for the violation of reported tryout time dates.

Hockey Saskatchewan registered Officials from the Winter season are eligible to work sanctioned activities during the Alternate Season.