
Exhibition Games / Tournaments / Travel Permits

6.07.01    No Games including League, Exhibition or Tournaments will be sanctioned along with no Travel Permits issued to any teams in the appropriate age divisions during Sask First Regional Camps.

6.07.02    Exhibition Games

a)    All Exhibition Games must be sanctioned through Hockey Saskatchewan's online sanctioning process.

b)    Game sheets for all Exhibition Games must be submitted to Hockey Saskatchewan within 72 hours.  Failure to do so will be a $100.00 fine.

c)    A game involving a Hockey Canada sanctioned team through Hockey Saskatchewan and a non-sanctioned team will result in no insurance coverage being extended to the Hockey Canada sanctioned team as well as the officials involved.

6.07.03    Tournaments

a)    All tournaments must be sanctioned by Hockey Saskatchewan through its General Manager.  No tournament will be sanctioned unless the Tournament Committee or association is a registered member of Hockey Saskatchewan.  No tournament will be sanctioned if cash prizes are awarded, or if any of the tournament proceeds go to fund “for profit” organizations. Tournaments are meant to be fundraisers for non-profit registered members of Hockey Saskatchewan and tournament financial statements must be provided if requested.

b)    Hockey Saskatchewan shall have the authority to impose a tournament sanction fee.

i)  Every sanctioned tournament will be assessed a sanction fee of $25.00 if the online application is received by Hockey Saskatchewan one week prior to the first day of the tournament.  If the online application is not received within one week of the first day of the tournament a sanction fee of $50.00 will be assessed.  The sanction fee must be paid prior to the sanction being processed and granted.

ii)  Tournaments continuing past 48 hours will be assessed on the number of age classifications and/or categories of hockey.

c)         i)  All Hockey Canada/Hockey Saskatchewan Rules and Regulations shall apply.  If these rules and regulations are not adhered to, future sanctions may be withheld.

ii)  Special regulations may apply for Provincial or National Winter Games.

iii)  Tournament Committees may decide the length of games and overtime procedure.

d)    No sanctioned tournament shall accept entries from any team which is not a registered member of a Hockey Canada Branch, USA Hockey or IIHF.  Any tournament Committee or association sanctioning tournaments and not following Hockey Canada/Hockey Saskatchewan regulations may have sanctioning privileges suspended for one year or more.

NOTE:  Every player competing in a sanctioned tournament must be registered or affiliated with that team.

e)    A team whose entry has been accepted into a sanctioned tournament must use only those players who are not under suspension by their league, association or Hockey Saskatchewan and have been registered for play with that team during the regular season according to the rules of the Branch in which it has been playing.  Any team not complying with this regulation shall be subject to disciplinary action.

f)    All games in a sanctioned tournament shall be officiated by registered officials of Hockey Saskatchewan.  Officials who officiate in non-sanctioned tournaments may be suspended.

g)    Hockey Saskatchewan Provincial Playoffs shall have preference over tournament play.

h)    Should any team withdraw from a sanctioned tournament after its entry has been accepted, the team shall be reported to Hockey Saskatchewan for disciplinary action if deemed necessary.

i)    The Tournament Discipline Committee shall have the right to impose any suspensions covering the balance of the tournament.  All penalties involving suspensions must be reported by the Tournament Committee to the Hockey Saskatchewan Coordinator of Discipline.

j)    Copies of all tournament game sheets are to be sent to the Hockey Saskatchewan General Manager, along with incidents that have not been dealt with by the Tournament Committee.  Failure to comply with this regulation within 72 hours could result in cancellation of future tournament sanctions. Tournament Committees not submitting all game sheets shall be assessed a penalty of $100.00.

k)    Any team, player, coach or manager of a registered team taking part in a non-sanctioned tournament may be suspended for one year.

6.07.04 – Travel Permits

Travel Permits for travelling outside of the province as per the following:

a)    Branches (provinces) outside Hockey Saskatchewan:

A Travel Permit can be applied for electronically on the Hockey Saskatchewan website and is required for all teams travelling outside the Branch to compete in games in other Branches of Hockey Canada.  Those travelling to compete in League games shall not require a Travel Permit.

b)    USA:

A USA Travel Permit and the accompanying fee of $25.00 (includes GST) is required for all teams travelling to the United States.