
Bylaw 1 - Definitions

Act - Saskatchewan Non-Profit Corporations Act, 1995 (Statutes of Saskatchewan).

Annual Meeting (AGM) - The General Meeting of the Members as provided for in Bylaw 3.

Auditor - A Public Accountant appointed by the Members by Ordinary Resolution at the Annual General Meeting to audit the books, accounts, and records of the Association for a report to the Members at the next Annual General Meeting.

Association - A group of volunteers, whether incorporated as a Non-Profit Corporation or not, organized to administer the operation of hockey within the Bylaws and Regulations of Hockey Saskatchewan.  The group will be administering hockey within a center or a geographic subdivision.

Board - The Board of Directors of Hockey Saskatchewan.

Bylaws - The bylaws of Hockey Saskatchewan as altered from time to time.

Categories - AAA, AA, A, B, C, D in each division.

Chair of the Board - An individual elected to Chair the Hockey Saskatchewan Board of Directors.

Director - An individual elected to serve on the Board pursuant to these Bylaws.

Divisions - Means the classes of hockey being operated with Hockey Saskatchewan.  These are as follows:  Senior, Junior, U18, U15, U13, U11, U9 and U7.

Financial Statements - The financial statements of Hockey Saskatchewan prepared according to generally accepted accounting principles established by the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accounts from time to time, consistently applied.

Fiscal Year - Shall have that meaning as defined in Bylaw 6.

General Meeting - Any general meeting of Hockey Saskatchewan's Members.

Hockey Team - Will have the meaning given to it in the Regulations.

In Writing - "In writing" or "written" include printing, typewriting, or any electronic means of communication by which words are capable of being visibly reproduced at a distant point of reception, including but not limited to email, telecopier (fax), telex or telegraph.

League - A combination of three or more teams registered with Hockey Saskatchewan or with another Hockey Canada Branch competing among themselves based on a regular schedule of games established by an elected or appointed group of individuals registered with this Association.

Member - Shall mean a member as described in Bylaw 2.

Minor Hockey Association - Means an association, registered as a body corporate in the Province of Saskatchewan which has adopted Bylaws, and Regulations that are consistent with the Bylaws and Regulations of Hockey Saskatchewan and are approved by the Board and operates a program in Minor Hockey with one or more Hockey Teams in the following divisions:  U7, U9, U11, U13, U15 & U18.

Notice - Whenever a period of notice is required under these Bylaws, the day on which notice is given shall not be counted as part of the notice period, but the day appointed by the notice for the event to which the notice relates shall be counted as part of the notice period.

Officials Development Leadership Team - An entity representing all hockey officials currently registered with Hockey Saskatchewan.

Officers - An Officer of Hockey Saskatchewan as defined in Bylaw 5.

Ordinary Resolution - A resolution passed by a majority of the votes cast on that resolution.

Playing Rules - Rules that govern the game of hockey In Canada, as set out in the Official Playing Rules Book of Hockey Canada and any additional rules approved by the Association, as amended from time to time.

Regular Membership - Shall mean a regular member as described in Bylaw 2.

Regulations - The Regulations of Hockey Saskatchewan as made and amended from time to time.

Special Meetings - A meeting of Members as referred to in Bylaw 3.

Task Teams - A Board approved individual or group of individuals assigned a specific mandate for a specified period of time.