
1 - Definitions

3.01.01 “Affiliation” – Shall refer to the registration process which provides the opportunity for higher Division, Category or Level Teams to ensure they have enough players to guarantee a game can be played.

3.01.02 “Affiliate Player” (AP) – Shall mean a player, referred to and approved by Hockey Saskatchewan, as eligible to play for a team in a higher Category, Division or Level than the Team in the Category, Division or Level with whom the player is registered with.  However, they cannot play on a permanent basis with their affiliate team.  As per Regulation 3.01.01, affiliate players may play to guarantee a game can be played.

NOTE:  All affiliations shall terminate at the end of the current playing season.

3.01.03 “Category” – AAA, AA, A, B, C, D in each division.

3.01.04 “Center” – For Minor Hockey only – any city, town, village incorporated, as defined by the Dept. of Urban Affairs and listed in the most recent Municipal Directory and which had a Minor Hockey Association registered the previous season.  Any Indian Reserve as defined by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and listed in the Indian Register. (Note:  For Indian Reserves this regulation only applies to players living on the reserve.)

3.01.05 “Division” – Means the classes of hockey being operated within Hockey Saskatchewan.  These are as follows:  Senior, Junior, Minor (U18, U15, U13, U11, U9 and U7).

3.01.06 “Exhibition Games” – A Hockey Saskatchewan Sanctioned game which is not a part of the Regular Season, Tournament or Playoff schedule and these games must be sanctioned by Hockey Saskatchewan through the Association on-line Sanctioning Application process.

3.01.07 “Hazing” – Is a practice of initiating that may humiliate, demean, degrade or disgrace a person regardless of location or consent of the participants.

3.01.08 “Hockey Canada Accredited School”

a)    A school which does not meet the requirements of 3.01.09 a) and b).

b)    To qualify the hockey program must:

i)    Register directly with Hockey Saskatchewan through an application process;
ii)    Have a formal partnership with a recognized educational institution; and
iii)    These Partnerships must have the written approval of Hockey Saskatchewan.

c)     Teams from centers that have a Hockey Canada Accredited School shall be categorized as AA teams, unless granted a concession as mentioned in 6.04.05 b).

d)    Placement of Hockey Canada Accredited School Teams shall be at Hockey Saskatchewan’s discretion; however, those Hockey Canada Accredited School Teams shall not be allowed to compete in a play-off (League or Hockey Saskatchewan) that leads to a Regional or National Championship.

e)    A player attending a Hockey Canada Accredited School must have taken up residence by November 1st.

3.01.09 “Hockey Canada School with Residence” – Is a school that is organized for educational purposes under the jurisdiction of the appropriate government educational authority and in which:

a)    At least 75% of the students reside away from the home of their parent for the purpose of receiving their education.

b)    The residence for such students is located on the school campus, or if off the school campus is operated by the school as an exclusive residence for the students and there is continuous supervision of the residential students by the school officials.

c)    This definition applies only for Minor hockey.

3.01.10 “Indefinite Suspension” – Means an immediate suspension issued by the Hockey Saskatchewan Officer of Discipline until dealt with under the Suspension Guidelines within each Division of Hockey.

3.10.11 “League” – A combination of three (3) or more teams registered with Hockey Saskatchewan or with another Hockey Canada Branch competing among themselves based on a regular schedule of games established by an elected or appointed group of individuals registered with this Association.

3.01.12 “Legal Guardian” – Shall be defined as a person who is granted guardianship of a player under eighteen (18) years of age by a court of competent jurisdiction.

3.01.13 “Minor Hockey Association” – An organization of volunteers operated and controlled by a duly elected Executive or Board of Directors.  The organization may be incorporated as a Non-Profit Corporation or not.  The organization will administer the operation of hockey within their center or geographical subdivision as per the Bylaws, Regulations and Policies of Hockey Saskatchewan.

3.01.14 “Non–Center” – for Minor Hockey Only, any city, town, or village incorporated, as defined by the Department of Urban Affairs and listed in the most recent Municipal Directory and which did not have a Minor Hockey Association registered in the previous season or any Indian Reserve as defined by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and listed in the Indian Register and which did not have a Minor Hockey Association registered the previous season.  (Note:  For Indian Reserves this regulation only applies to players living on the reserve.)

3.01.15 “Playing Season” – Begins August 15th and ends on:

- April 1st of the following year (with the exception of teams competing in regional/national competition) for Minor

- May 1st of the following year for Senior

- June 1st of the following year for Junior

3.01.16 “Probation” – A time for offenders to go without serving a suspension unless there is further violation of a similar rule or regulation.

3.01.17 “Provincials” – Means the Hockey Saskatchewan Playoff competition.

3.01.18 “Residential Address”

a)    For Minor hockey registration purposes the address for players from the center/non–center shall be the address of the player’s parent(s) and/or the address of the person who is in loco parentis of the player.  Postal Addresses i.e. post box number or sites are not acceptable (Must list the center/non–center they reside nearest to or reside in).

b)    For Minor (including U18 AAA) Hockey registration purposes the address from rural areas shall be the Center/Non–Center closest to the residence of the player’s parent(s) and/or the person who in loco parentis of the player.

c)    For Junior hockey the address shall be the player’s place of residence.

d)    For Senior hockey registration purposes the address shall be the player’s place of residence.

e)    For Senior hockey registration purposes the address for players from rural areas shall be the Center closest to the player’s place of residence.

f)    A player living in the rural area shall determine the closest center/non–center by a straight line between the closest point of the center/non–center city/town/village limits to the closest point to the quarter section or acreage on which the said residence is located.

3.01.19 “Residential Qualifications (Hockey Canada)”

1.  It shall be the obligation/responsibility of Hockey Saskatchewan under the authority of Hockey Canada, in their sole and unfettered discretion to implement residency registration regulations for the formation of teams within Hockey Saskatchewan.

2.  Players seventeen (17) years of age and below must:

a)    Play in the Geographic Subdivision where their parent(s) reside; and

b)    Regulation 3.01.19 2.a) does not apply to Players registered in a Hockey Canada School With Residence (as defined in 3.01.09) or Hockey Canada Accredited School (as defined in 3.01.08) and registers with one (1) of that school’s hockey teams.

3.  A Player’s residence is established by:

a)    The parents’ usual residence when parents live in the same house; or

b)    In cases where the Player has more than one (1) custodial Parent, each of whom lives in separate residence:

i)    The usual residence of the Parent with whom the Player usually lives.

ii)    If the Player lives equally with both parents, his/her place of residence shall be determined by where the Player attends school.

NOTE:  The term “usual residence” is defined as four (4) out of seven (7) days.

4.  When a Players custodial Parent changes due to a guardianship court order to an individual who is not a Parent of that Player prior to that guardianship order being obtained, and the Player changes residence to live with the newly designated parent guardian in another Member Branch, the Player may not, in the first Season after that change has occurred, register or Affiliate with any Team that could earn the right to participate in a Hockey Canada Regional or National Championship.

5.  Authority to assign Residence of a Player is as follows:

a)    Hockey Canada, in its sole and unfettered discretion under powers vested in it by By–Law 53 may, on application made by or on behalf of any Player, deem such Player to be a resident in a Member Branch other than that where his/her Parent is resident and Hockey Canada’s decision in this regard shall be final and binding.

b)    A Member, in its sole and unfettered discretion may, on application made by or on behalf of any Player, deem such Player to be a resident in a place within the Member other than where his/her Parent is resident and the Member’s decision in this regard shall be final and binding.

6.  Members of Hockey Canada are authorized to make restrictions with regard to the residential qualifications required for Players registered with Senior and Junior Teams under their jurisdiction.

7.  A Geographic Subdivision may include a city, town, municipality, rural area or zone as established from time to time by a Member Branch of Hockey Canada within its own jurisdiction.

NOTE:  A player may not claim, as his/her center, a center which is designated a geographical subdivision, (i.e. Regina, Saskatoon, Prince Albert or Moose Jaw) except for Regulation 6.03.03.

3.01.20 “Sponsoring Center” – Is the center which comprises the team, or where centers combine to form a team.

3.01.21 “Suspension” – Means the temporary debarring of an individual or group of individuals from the privileges of participating in sanctioned hockey games or association with a hockey team or member provided that the suspension must stipulate a length of time or number of hockey games, or type of hockey games or any combination of thereof.

3.01.22 “Team Officials” – Means all or any of the registered persons involved in the management of a hockey team including, without limitation, the coach, assistant coach(es), manager, stickperson, trainer or volunteer.

3.01.23 “Tournament” – A schedule of non–league games played among three (3) or more teams, which follows an inter–locking schedule and leads to an eventual winner.