
Bylaw 4 - Amendments

2.04.01    Motions to Amend

Motions to amend or alter the Constitutions and/or Bylaws can only be approved at the Annual General Meeting of this Association after notice of intent has been received by the General Manager by April 1st at least ninety (90) days prior to the Annual General Meeting. All notices will be compiled and sent to all members in good standing of the Association by the General Manager at least Thirty (30) days prior to the Annual General Meeting of Hockey Saskatchewan.

i)    The Board of Directors may amend or alter the Regulations or Playing Rules of theAssociation for the betterment of hockey in the Province of Saskatchewan, including, without limiting the foregoing, the better government, organization and administration of hockey, if the Board, in its sole and absolute opinion and discretion, may consider desirable.

ii)    Upon the Board approving and adopting a Rule and/or Regulation, the General Manager shall forthwith give notice of said rule and/or regulation to the Hockey Saskatchewan Membership.

2.04.02    Constitution/Bylaw Amendments

Amendments to the Constitution and/or Bylaws shall require a majority of not less than 75% of the votes of the meeting.

2.04.03    Immediate Effect

Any amendments or changes in the Constitution and Bylaw of this Association which are adopted at the Annual General Meeting shall take effect immediately.