
Age Division Value Statements

Based upon feedback from the membership who attended the 2018 spring Zone Meetings, the Hockey Saskatchewan Board of Directors have approved the following Age Division “Value Statements” recommended by the Hockey Saskatchewan Male/Female Development Committee.

We encourage all Minor Hockey Associations to review these statements and promote them to their members to serve as guidance in the development of programs and services to each age division within their structure.

The value statements and accompanying definitions are as follows:

UNDER-7 (U7)

  • Fun and fair for everyone, Under-7 players will focus on introductory individual skills in a group setting with little to no focus on competitive games.

Ages 6 and Under

UNDER-9 (U9)

  • Through a learn-through-fun environment, Under-9 players will focus on the development of fundamental skills with the introduction of individual tactics and team play at all positions.

Ages 8 and 7

UNDER-11 (U11)

  • Improved skill by improving self-confidence, Under-11 players will focus on the development and refinement of fundamental skills while introducing team concepts.

Ages 10 and 9

UNDER-13 (U13)

  • Progressive and inclusive, Under-13 players will focus on continued skill development while increasing the emphasis on team play and tactics. Programs are designed for recreational and competitive league play.

Ages 12 and 11

UNDER-15 (U15)

  • Through consistency and commitment, Under-15 players will focus on skill development & reinforcement as well as team tactics and how the role as an individual plays a part in team success. Programs are designed for recreational and competitive league play.

Ages 14 and 13

UNDER-18 (U18)

  • All encompassing, Under-18 players will focus on skill reinforcement and utilizing individual strength for the success of the team. A culture of teamwork, work ethic, and competition is paramount while balancing the need for recreational, competitive and elite league play to ensure a sustainable program.

Ages 17, 16 and 15


  • RECREATIONAL - Priority is placed on participation and enjoying all playing & social aspects the game/team offers.
  • COMPETITIVE - Priority is directed toward player/team development and advancing to the next level.
  • ELITE - Priority is focused on a full hockey program experience including billets and education considerations. Intended for players with both the skills and desire to continue to advance within hockey