

4.05.01    Female:

a)    A Female team may affiliate one team or 19 Female players from a Female Team in a lower tier, age classification or category of Female hockey.  At all times a player may only be affiliated with one team.

b)    Female Senior A teams may only affiliate players from a lower age division or category within the sponsoring center of the team.  Female Senior B teams may affiliate players from a lower age division from within a 120 km radius of their sponsoring center.

4.05.02    Male:

a)    A team may affiliate one team or 19 players from a lower division, age classification or category of hockey.  At all times a player may only be affiliated with one team.

b)   Once a player is Affiliated to a team, they cannot be Released as an affiliate from that team for that season unless first released from the team that they are currently Registered on.

c)    Senior AAA teams may have 10 specially affiliated players, of whom at least 1 must be goaltender, from a lower division or category team, provided all players and teams are properly registered with Hockey Saskatchewan.  The affiliated players must be designated by December 15th on a Hockey Saskatchewan Affiliation Form and the form must be signed by each player.

d)    A player shall be allowed to play an unlimited amount of games as an affiliate player.

e)    Senior teams shall be permitted to affiliate minor players from the centers the team has combined with to form the team and players registered on minor teams in the sponsoring center of the Senior team, provided the players home center does not have a Senior Team.

f)    In all categories of hockey, the player must be notified of the intent to affiliate them.  When affiliating Minor Hockey players, the player’s parents and players’ coach must be notified of the intent to affiliate them.

g)    Senior teams shall be permitted to affiliate Junior C players from the centers the team has combined with to form the team and players registered on Junior C teams in the sponsoring center of the Senior team, provided the players home center does not have a Senior team.

h)    All Senior teams may not have U18 AAA, Junior A, Junior B or University/College players affiliated.

NOTE:  Teams eligible for Inter–Branch play must abide by Hockey Canada Regulation E.

4.05.03    The names of affiliated teams and/or players must be filed with the Hockey Saskatchewan General Manager prior to using an affiliate player (s) .  Additions can be made to the affiliation list up to January 10th once the affiliation form is filed.

4.05.04    The official scorer shall request that all affiliated players who are dressed for the game be designated on the game sheet by the use of the symbol “A.P.” after their name.  A player may only be affiliated with one team in a higher division, age classification or category.