This form shall be received by the Hockey Saskatchewan Office no later than 30 days from the date the decision sought to be appealed was sent to the applicant and shall be accompanied by an Appeal Application fee of $300 (only credit card online will be accepted). If the Officer in charge of Appeals determines that the proposed Appeal does not qualify for a hearing, or if the Appellant withdraws the application, the Appeal Application fee will be refunded. For more information on the Appeals Process download a copy of Hockey Saskatchewan Regulations 3.07 from the Hockey Saskatchewan GOVERNANCE.
The decision is in conflict with an Articles, Bylaw, Rules, Regulations, and/or policies of a: Minor Hockey Association, Hockey Saskatchewan or League and may have had a material impact on the decision rendered.
As an attachment to this Application, please include concisely and in numbered paragraphs: (a) the grounds for Appeal (including how the Appeal qualifies under the relevant standing issue(s) above), (b) the supporting facts and (c) clearly state the desired outcome of the requested Appeal. Pertinent documents, from the original Appeal, must be attached.
a) If this application is submitted by a third party on behalf of an Association/Club or on behalf of a Team that is a member of an Association/Club, it must be accompanied by a letter of support signed by at least one of the signing officers of the Association/Club.
(This is not required for a personal Appeal)
Note to Applicants:
Please ensure that you have completed this form in full. Incomplete applications may not be processed. If you have any questions, please contact the Hockey Saskatchewan office.
Hockey Saskatchewan is committed to respecting and protecting the privacy of our Members, their Associations, individual members, their families and our employees. The personal information collected on this form and on any documents collected by Hockey Saskatchewan with respect to this Appeal and any related proceeding will be used for the sole purpose of administering this Appeal, any related proceedings, and the Rules, Regulations and By-Laws of Hockey Saskatchewan. Any such documents containing personal information will, upon request, be returned to the party submitting them when no longer needed for these purposes.